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jeongguk and yoongi were walking through the park hand in hand, holly on a leash. the couple took a seat on a nearby bench, the boys leaning against each other.

there were kids playing in the playground equipment and their parents standing off to the side. the sun was starting to set also, and it left a soft glow to the setting.

yoongi had been wanting to talk to jeongguk about something for a while. they were together now, so he thought that maybe he'd be able to bring up the topic a bit easier. he looked over at the younger boy and smiled. he was holding holly in his lap and ruffling his ears. yoongi kissed the side of jeongguk's head, leaving his lips there for a moment before pulling away.

the boy looked up at him, his eyes wide and innocent-like. yoongi loved that about jeongguk. he seemed so pure, and he definitely didn't want to ruin that.

"yoongi?" jeongguk giggled quietly. "i think i lost you for a second."

the older shook his head. "no, you're just so beautiful. i can't help but stare."

jeongguk rolled his eyes. "that's lame. you're lame," he joked.

yoongi grabbed his chest, pretending to be hurt.

the brunette grinned and pecked his boyfriend's lips. "you're such a big baby."

"but i'm your baby." he batted his eye lashes, feigning innocence.


the boys strolled into their shared apartment, taking holly off the leash. 

"gguk... can i ask you something?" yoongi questioned, biting his lip.

"yeah, anything." jeongguk plopped down on the couch.

yoongi took a seat next to him, chewing on his thumb nail. that's when jeongguk knew the older was being serious. he only did that when he was nervous. to help relax him, jeongguk took his hand and ran his thumb over his knuckles.

"okay..." yoongi sighed. "you don't have to answer if you don't want to, i one hundred percent understand."

jeongguk lifted the other's hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "go ahead."

"alright. so, you remember that time at- at namjoon and seokjin's house? and then when you had a couple of those nightmares?" yoongi shook his head quickly before standing up. "no, i'm sorry. i'm prying and you shouldn't have to tell me until you're ready."

the younger followed yoongi, grabbing both of his hands. "no, yoongi, it's okay. you should know. you've helped me a lot since i came here without even questioning it. and i really, really appreciate that." jeongguk smiled warmly, taking a step closer.

"you're sure?"


the two went into jeongguk's bedroom, jeongguk making sure to grab his blue hoodie and slipping it on quickly. it was his safety blanket.

yoongi pulled jeongguk in between his legs, wrapping his arms around his torso. he rested his chin on the younger boy's shoulder, kissing it lightly. "whenever you're ready."

joengguk took a deep breath before telling yoongi nearly everything that had happened to him last spring. his best friend, the car accident, and having to go through the pain of losing dohyun.

the older listened carefully, pulling jeongguk closer when tears slowly started to fall.

"i-it tore me apart. my last y-year of high s-school was a train wreck. that's why i moved here. to get away from it. the memories" jeongguk moved next to yoongi instead, wiping his eyes with his sleeves. "t-this is one of the only thing i have left of him... his parents weren't very fond of me.."

yoongi had even let a few tears fall without realizing it. "i- i can't relate, and i'm sorry. but, i'm here for you, okay? we've gotten a lot closer, more quickly than i expected, but that's okay. you can come to me whenever you feel stressed or can't take it. i'll listen and try to comfort you as much as possible." he cupped the other's cheek, stroking it with his thumb. "whenever you need someone, i'm right across the hall." yoongi smiled softly.

the brunette let out a quiet giggle. "thank you. you mean so much to me." he hugged yoongi, letting out a sigh. "in such a short amount of time..."

yoongi lifted jeongguk's chin up, kissing his lips softly. they relationship so far had been only soft and sweet, but they were both okay with that.

the two stayed in bed the rest of the night, not really wanting to go to sleep. they laid side by side, with their finders intertwined. holly had joined them by now, of course. they talked about anything and everything, only wanting to become closer with one another.


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