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later that night, jeongguk tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss he shared with yoongi. believe him, he loved it, but he panicked. he couldn't help it. he hasn't kissed very many people in his life.

the exhausted boy gave up and shuffled out of his room, shoving his hands in his hoodie pocket. he made his way to yoongi's room. he knocked on the door softly, opening the door when he didn't get an answer.

yoongi was facing the wall, but jeongguk could tell he wasn't sleeping. "yoongi?" he whispered into the dark.

the older slowly turned, looking up at his roommate who had now moved next to the bed. "hm?"

"i-i'm sorry..." he said, looking down, not quite sure why he was even apologizing.

shaking his head, yoongi moved over and pushed the blanket back and patted the space next to him.

jeongguk laid next to him and cautiously moved so he could rest his head on yoongi's chest. the latter wrapped his arms around jeongguk, rubbing circles into his back.

"yoongi, i can't sleep." jeongguk looked up at him with tired eyes.

"that's okay. i can't either," yoongi mumbled, brushing jeongguk's soft hair out of his face.

the younger boy hesitated before leaning up. what was supposed to be a cute kiss turned into the two boys' noses bumping into each other.

they both laughed, jeongguk hiding his face in yoongi's chest. the older ruffled the blushing boy's hair before lifting his head back up. he pulled his face closer, letting their lips meet. the two smiled into the kiss, neither of them anxious this time. yoongi slipped his hand under jeongguk's hoodie and pressed his hand against the small of his back, making the latter pull away with a small gasp.

yoongi smiled, his gums showing, and kissed jeongguk's nose. "alright, gguk, we need to get some sleep."

the brunette immediately pouted at the mention of sleep, knowing he wouldn't be able to.

"you'll be okay. i'm right here." yoongi smoothed our jeongguk's hair. he stayed awake until he was sure the younger boy was fast asleep.


jeongguk woke up in yoongi's arms. he had slept good. again.

i can't get used to this. he thought to himself. it's not going to be like this forever.

he slowly pulled away from the sleeping boy's grasp and made his way to his own room, getting ready for the day.

once he had showered and cleaned up, jeongguk dressed comfortably considering he'd be spending the day with hoseok. the older was going to help the "rookie" with his dancing skills.

despite yoongi wanting to drive the younger everywhere, jeongguk just took the bus instead. when he arrived at the dance studio, he went to the practice room hoseok promised he'd be in.

as he opened the door, he was greeted with the sound of hip-hop music and the sight of hoseok dancing. he'd never seen dancing like this before. it was some of the best he'd ever seen. there was popping and locking and breaking and it just left jeongguk in awe.

when hoseok finally noticed the younger boy staring, he paused the music and smiled, his lips shaped like a heart. "jeongguk!" he gave the boy a quick side hug since he was a little sweaty from dancing. "how are you?"


after hours of practicing, the dancers took a break, taking a seat on the floor. hoseok stared at jeongguk with a blank look on his face, deep in thought.

jeongguk shifted his eyes away from hoseok, scratching the back of his neck. "yeah, i know.. i'm not that good."

hoseok started laughing as soon as the words left his mouth. "are you kidding me? you're amazing! i thought you'd be some kid that barely knew what he was doing and i'd have to show him everything. but there's really not that much i have to show you. just practice regularly and stay in shape."

"wow... thank you." jeongguk grinned.

"are you any good at singing? i think you'd make a great idol."

the boy chuckled at the idea. "no way. not in a million years. i do not have the confidence for that kinda thing."

hoseok shook his head and stood up, getting ready for another round of dancing. "you're great, kid. never doubt yourself."


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