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yoongi was having another one of those nights. the one where he just couldn't sleep no matter what. jeongguk was even sleeping next to him, but it was no use. he carefully climbed out of his bed, making sure not to wake up jeongguk. he slipped on his shoes and shorts before exiting the apartment, taking holly with him.

yoongi strolled down the sidewalk, holly's leash in hand, while deep in thought. it was october now, and time seemed to be flying by with his and jeongguk's relationship. the younger was nineteen now, and in a few months yoongi would be twenty-three. someone in the company yoongi worked for, big hit, contacted him and asked about jeongguk. they heard about his dancing skills, and they wanted to know if he was strong in any other areas such as singing or rapping.

yoongi told them that he was an amazing singer, but he wasn't sure if he'd be interested in a career like that. the older just needed to find the time to talk to jeongguk about it. he knew it was a lot of hard work and pressure, and yoongi didn't want jeongguk to stress too much. it was also hard for someone young to become a huge star, but jeongguk had the talent.

with holly in the lead, yoongi continued with his night walk. he came across a 24/7 convenience store, deciding to take a step inside. thankfully, they accepted small animals. he held holly in his arms and walked around, trying to kill time. he walked up a small aisle with small boxes of different colors. he grabbed one, deciding it was time for a change.


jeongguk tossed and turned, unwanted images of his best friend flashing in his sleep.

"no, please, no," he mumbled in his sleep, sprawling out and clutching the blanket. when he caught a glimpse of dohyun's bloodied face, he sat upright, wide awake now. he let out a sob, tears rolling down his swollen cheeks. he looked around, not seeing yoongi next to him. he could've sworn the older boy had fallen asleep next to him. he crawled out of bed quickly and left the room, sobbing quietly.

he peeked inside of his own room, not seeing yoongi there. he then padded into the living room, no sight of yoongi or holly.

great, he left me and took the dog.

jeongguk plopped down onto the couch, only crying harder, his chest racking with sobs. he knew he was just a burden to yoongi and that he'd want to leave eventually. he laid on the couch for what seemed like hours, cries slowly coming to a stop. he simply just stared at the wall, blinking occasionally while curled up in a ball.

the younger boy lifted his head when he heard the door unlock. yoongi stepped in, holly trotting inside. yoongi set holly's leash and a plastic bag on the kitchen counter. suddenly he was tackled, arms wrapping around his torso tightly and the two falling against the counter top.

"i-i thought you left me," jeongguk choked out, tears falling once again. he buried his face in yoongi's neck, inhaling the mixed scent of mint and sweat.

yoongi's lips parted in surprise. "i would never leave you, sweetheart. i love you." yoongi held jeongguk close and carded his fingers through his fingers with one hand, the other rubbing the small of his back. that always calmed him down.

jeongguk sniffled, lightly kissing yoongi's collar bone as he rested his head on the latter's shoulder. "i love you too.. but you scared me."

"i'll leave a note next time. i didn't think you'd wake up." yoongi planted his lips on jeongguk's forehead, mumbling, "i'm sorry, ggukie."

"it's okay." jeongguk stood up straight, holding yoongi's waist. "i just overreact sometimes."

"no, you had the right to, baby." yoongi wiped the tears off jeongguk's cheeks.

"what'd you get?" jeongguk tilted his head, looking at the bag sitting next to them.

"oh. i forgot." he turned, keeping one hand on jeongguk's hip while reaching inside the bag.

jeongguk gasped and grabbed the box of blue hair dye. he smiled wide, forgetting about what happened minutes ago. "can we do it now?"

yoongi grinned, pecking jeongguk's lips. "i suppose. i don't think either of us are gonna sleep anytime soon."


jeongguk stood to the side, looking like a small child who was about to receive candy or a brand new toy. yoongi was towel drying his hair, finalizing the process of dying his hair. he stood up straight. jeongguk gasped delightfully.

"it looks so good!" he giggled and ran his fingers through yoongi's now vibrant blue hair, admiring their work.

"does it? i wasn't quite sure what color to go with, but blue seemed nice." yoongi looked into the mirror, examining himself.

"you look stunning." jeongguk kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

"alright, gguk," yoongi laughed. he took the younger's hand and pulled him into the living room sitting on the couch.

jeongguk cuddled into yoongi's side, holly hopping into their laps. he could't believe he actually thought yoongi left him. he stroked holly's fur, closing his eyes.


"hm?" he hummed.

"would you ever consider becoming an idol?"

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