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before jeongguk even knew what was happening, a large truck had slammed into the driver's side of the small car, sandwiching the two boys between the said truck and a telephone pole.

jeongguk looked around in a daze, feeling the side of his head. when he looked at his hand, it was covered in blood. the passenger side window was cracked, along with the windshield being shattered. the young boy slowly looked towards his best friend, afraid of what he would see.

dohyun had gotten the worst of it. the truck hit his side almost directly, leaving the side of dohyun's face bloody and bruised and the door pressed harshly against the boy. his eyes were cloudy with confusion.

jeongguk successfully undid his seatbelt, but when he moved onto his best friend, it wouldn't budge. it was jammed. "dohyun, it's okay. focus on me." jeongguk looked at the truck that hit them with hatred. he then looked forward and saw smoke rising from the hood of the car. he started to cry without realizing it. he wiped the blood away from dohyun's lips that was slowly trickling down his chin and tried the seatbelt again, but it wouldn't work. dohyun was starting to lose consciousness.

"no, no, no. you can't. please." jeongguk heard sirens in the distance, but he knew they wouldn't be here soon enough. his entire left side was crushed.

dohyun looked at jeongguk, trying to speak. he's breaths were short and raspy. "i-i-"

jeongguk woke up screaming, tears streaming down his face. he gripped his hair and tugged at it roughly. "no! please, don't go!"

he buried his face in his pillow, sobbing into it. what he didn't realize was that yoongi had entered his room.

the older slowly moved towards the weeping boy, sitting on the bed gently. he whispered, "jeongguk?" while placing a hand on his back.

jeongguk flinched and quieted down a bit, but kept his face hidden.


"i'm here." he soothingly rubbed the other's back, giving him time to calm his breathing.

jeongguk slowly sat up and wiped tears from his cheeks. when he looked at yoongi, his lips pouted and trembled as he tried to hold in tears.

the black haired boy moved next to jeongguk and guided the latter into his lap. he ran his fingers through his hair, kissing his forehead. "do you wanna talk about it?"

jeongguk quickly shook his head, hiding his face in the crook of yoongi's neck

yoongi nodded and gently laid jeongguk back down on the bed.

jeongguk looked up at yoongi sadly, murmuring, "my hoodie..."

the older thought it was an odd request at that moment, but he followed through with it. he found it tossed over the desk chair. after giving it to jeongguk, he laid next to the boy and carefully wrapped his arms around him.

jeongguk immediately moved closer into yoongi's embrace, resting his head on his chest. he was glad that he had someone to comfort him this time. he always felt like he was alone. he just didn't think he could open up yet.

"t-thank you." his voice was still shaky from all the crying. he held the hoodie close to him and listened to yoongi's heartbeat, trying to make his breathing even with it.

"i'm here for you. always." yoongi planted his lips on the top of jeongguk's head, leaving them there for a bit.

jeongguk fell asleep not long after that while yoongi stayed awake, worried about the younger boy.


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