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jeongguk was finishing up some last minute chores at the pet shop when his phone buzzed in his pocket. he pulled it out and saw a text from yoongi.

i'm picking you up from work.
i'll be there in 10

the brunette sighed and started working faster. he made sure the animals had enough food and water. he swept around the front quickly and wiped down the counters and display shelves. he'd get out of here sooner if it looked neat, and he didn't want to keep yoongi waiting.

soon enough, ten minutes had passed, and yoongi pulled up in his car. jeongguk jogged outside with his bag, slipping inside the small vehicle.

yoongi smiled warmly and pulled away from the now closed shop. "how was work?"

"not bad, considering i'm surrounded by dogs all day." jeongguk grinned, thinking of all the cute animals he got to work with almost everyday.

the older laughed quietly. when he reached a stoplight, his phone buzzed. he checked it quickly while they were stoped, seeing a text from namjoon. his laugh turned into a groan. "namjoon needs me at the studio. he said it's urgent."

jeongguk frowned slightly. "you can just drop me off here. i'll walk home."

"uh, i don't think so." yoongi shook his head. "it's faster to just bring you with me instead of dropping you off first. i won't be there long."



jeongguk had been sprawled out on the couch in yoongi's office for almost an hour now, and it seemed like he wasn't going to be moving anytime soon. the younger held his arm up in the air, letting it stay there while whining, "hyung, i'm hungry. and tired. and i want-"

yoongi cut him off, "okay, okay. i'm done. just a second." yoongi closed out of as few things on his desktop computer before shutting it down. he stood up and grabbed his keys before grabbing jeongguk's hand. he pulled younger up and ruffled his hair. "what do you want to eat?"

they made their way out of the office and headed towards the exit. jeongguk hummed and pretended to think deeply. "hm, i don't know... food?"

yoongi glared at him before punching his arm. "seriously, what do you want? it's on me."

jeongguk slung his arm around yoongi's shoulders as they walked outside and said, "i guess i'll take some mcdonald's. a happy meal sounds pretty good right now." he laughed as he patted his stomach with his free hand.

yoongi smiled, his gums showing, while admiring jeongguk's bunny like smile. the older loved the way his eyes crinkled and sparkled, and it was easier to see the mole below his bottom lip too. yoongi loved the beauty mark. he kinda wanted to kiss it, but he knew that wouldn't be very appropriate.

"hyuuung~" jeongguk sang, lightly shaking yoongi and pulling him closer. "you zoned out for a second." the younger giggled lightly at his hyung's actions.

"oh.. sorry." yoongi chuckled and scratched the back of his head nervously. "what were you saying?"

"do you want mcdonald's?"

"yeah. yeah, that's fine." yoongi, although he didn't want to, pulled away from the brunette once they got his car and slid into the driver's seat.

the boys got their food, yoongi making sure to get jeongguk his happy meal, and went home soon afterwards.

"thank you, hyung!" jeongguk sat down at the table and dug into his food.

yoongi smiled and sat next to the younger. "you're welcome, gguk."

they finished their food quickly and cleaned up before heading to the couch. jeongguk laid down and rested his head on yoongi's thigh, slipping his hand underneath to get more comfortable. the older tried to relax quickly, turning the television on and playing a random movie on Netflix.

jeongguk grabbed yoongi's hand and placed it on his head, urging him to play with his hair.


"play with my hair." the younger looked up at him and pouted.

yoongi obliged, twirling pieces of dark brown locks around his finger. soon enough, both boys were asleep.


jeongguk sat up and looked around, stretching. he didn't know what time it was, but it was dark outside. yoongi was still asleep with his head resting against the back of the couch and his lips parted slightly. the younger didn't want to wake him up, so he picked up the sleeping boy as careful as possible. yoongi wrapped his arms around jeongguk's neck, burying his face in the latter's chest.

jeongguk smiled and made his way to the older's room. he gently placed him on the bed, pulling the blanket over him and making sure he was comfortable. yoongi grabbed jeongguk's, his grip loose, and tugged him closer. he started mumbling incoherently.

jeongguk leaned closer, tilting his head slightly. "what's wrong, hyung?" he whispered.

he continued to mumble, but jeongguk caught the words stay and sleep. he didn't want to yoongi to freak out in the morning because he was in his bed. but he was the one inviting him. plus, it's when jeongguk is with yoongi that he can actually sleep well. it's rare that he gets a good night of sleep.

jeongguk took his shirt off, leaving him in his basketball shorts, and slid underneath the warm blanket. he wrapped his arms around the older and pulled him into his chest. he left a soft kiss on his forehead before drifting off to sleep.


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