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two weeks later

taehyung and yoongi had decided that it was time for the jeongguk to meet some of their other friends, namjoon and seokjin. the five boys were spread around in namjoon's lounge room. namjoon and seokjin were cuddled up on one couch while the remaining sat on the other couch.

taehyung groaned, throwing his head back on the couch. "can we do something besides watch boring dramas. the acting is terrible! i could do so much better." he shook his head disapprovingly.

"whatever, you can barely keep a straight face when trying to lie," yoongi scoffed while rolling his eyes.

namjoon stood up, seokjin pouting when he did so. "i'll get some beer, i've got plenty in the fridge."

jeongguk tensed, but nobody noticed other than taehyung. the younger leaned over to his cousin and mumbled, "hyung, please no. you know i don't like alcohol."

taehyung sighed before looking up at namjoon, speaking hesitantly, "namjoon-hyung, i don't think that's a good idea... it's kinda early in the day and we still have things to do."

namjoon shrugged and walked away "we'll be fine. what's the worst that could happen?"

taehyung looked back at his younger cousin with a sorrowful look. jeongguk only shook his head, becoming pale. he stood and made his way to the bathroom as quick as possible. right as he closed the door, he fell against it, pulling his navy blue hoodie closer too him. he started seeing spots before he was greeted with thoughts he never wanted to be near again.


1 year ago

"no, you can't drive. you've had two beers already." jeongguk tried grabbing the keys from his best friend, but he just pulled them from his reach.

"no, no, no. i'm okay! i'll be fine. you don't even have your license yet."

"but i'm seventeen! i know how to drive a car, dohyun. i'm not risking anything, give me the keys." jeongguk tried giving the older boy the most daring look he could, but with his pretty little doe eyes and his chubby cheeks, there was no way the young boy could be intimidating.

dohyun ignored him and got in the car. jeongguk only prayed silently and followed him into the car. his friend was stupid sometimes, but he still loved him.

they drove for several minutes before dohyun broke the silence. "jeonggukie, i need to tell you something."

"okay, but pull over first." dohyun had been driving fine, but jeongguk just wanted to be safe.

the oldest obliged, parking the car. out of habit, jeongguk played with the strings of his navy blue hoodie that dohyun had gotten him for his sixteenth birthday. it was simple, but jeongguk loved it. dohyun would even take it home with him and wash it with his clothes so it'd smell like him when he gave it back to jeongguk. the youngest lifted to collar to his nose. it still smelt like him.

"so, what it is?

"i've wanted to tell you this for the longest time, but i-" they were cut short when they heard tires squealing on the pavement and headlights shining through the windshield. dohyun never got to finish what he started.

end of flashback

yoongi shook jungkook gently, wiping the tears off his cheeks that were slowly falling. "hey, wake up. what happened to you?"

the younger boy shook his head and buried his face into yoongi's shoulder. he released a heartbreaking cry that made yoongi want to take on the pain he was feeling.

the oldest rubbed his back gently and pulled him closer, telling him that it'd be okay. he pushed the hair the was pressed against the brunette's forehead back, kissing it without thinking. neither of them thought much of it or said anything.

once jeongguk calmed down, he sat up and wiped his eyes. he looked at yoongi shamefully, trying not to cry again. "i-i'm s-sorry. that was s-stupid of m-me to run off."

"no, it's okay. they don't mind. as long as you're okay." yoongi continued to brush back stray hairs on jeongguk forehead, loving the soft texture.

jeongguk nodded and leaned against yoongi again. he sighed deeply, closing his eyes. "i just don't like alcohol. it's bad stuff."

"i know it is..." yoongi laid his head on the younger's and wrapped his arms securely around him. "are you ready to go home?"

jeongguk only nodded, pulling away from yoongi and helping him up. they exited the bathroom and bid the others a short goodbye. taehyung gave jeongguk a tight hug, apologizing for what happened.

"i'm okay, hyung. really." jungkook gave him a weak smile, patting his shoulder.

the two left, making their way to yoongi's car. once they arrived to their shared apartment, jeongguk headed straight to his bedroom. yoongi grabbed a bottle of water before following him.

"here... you probably have a headache." yoongi sat on the edge of jeongguk's bed where the latter also sat against the headboard.

"thanks. i'm sorry you had to see... that." jeongguk sipped the water, staring at his lap.

"hey, it's okay," yoongi spoke softly, placing his hand on the younger's knee. "we all have our own problems. you can come to me anytime. i'm your roommate, and your friend, now."

jeongguk nodded and looked up at yoongi, whispering, "thank you, hyung."

yoongi smiled before standing up and turning the light off in the room. "get some rest, kid. you need it."


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