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hey, what are you doing

uhhhh nothing why

tell jeongguk i'm cleaning out the spare bedroom


shut up
before i change my mind



"jeongguk-ah!" taehyung yelled from his bedroom.

"what?" jeongguk groaned, sitting up on the couch. he didn't get an answer. "wow, you're just like my mother."

taehyung waltzed into the living space, a grin plastered across his face. "i heard you, but get out of your mood. you're going to yoongi's."

jeongguk raised his eyebrows. "are you being serious?"

taehyung pulled jeongguk up out of his seat, replying, "yes, now come on!"


jeongguk knocked on the apartment door, standing alone with his bags. taehyung dropped him off, telling him he was on his own from there.

"hi, yoongi-hyung," jeongguk smiled wide, his eyes trailing over the older male's face.

"hey, jeongguk." he smiled shyly and stepped aside, letting the younger boy come inside.

jeongguk walked in, a kitchen to his left, a hallway to his right, and a living room in front of him. it was very modern, lots of black and white, brown wooden floors, and grey walls. there were a few colors splashed in some places like throw pillows or knick-knacks. it was beautiful, and jeongguk loved it.

"come on, i'll show you your room." yoongi took one of jeongguk's bags and walked down the hallway. he opened a door to the left, revealing a room with a full sized bed covered in a dark blue comforter and pillows and a dresser pressed against the far wall.

jeongguk placed his bags on the bed before turning to face yoongi. "thank you so much, hyung. you have no idea how much this means to me."

yoongi revealed a small smile, nodding his head. "it's no problem. it gets lonely here anyways."

"oh, you don't have to worry about me not paying rent either. i'm getting a job at the pet store a few blocks away from here, so i can just walk," jeongguk assured yoongi. he turned back around, opening a bag and starting to pull clothes out.

"uh, first thing first, you're not walking out on the streets by yourself when you don't know what you're doing, and second, you better not bring an animal home," yoongi objected, sitting on the bed.

"i know how to take care of myself," jeongguk pouted while crossing his arms.

yoongi fake laughed, "you're twelve, stop it."

"fine. but how am i gonna get there?" jeongguk raised an eyebrow.

"i'll drive you."

"you have a job too."

"i basically make my own hours. i can work around it. don't worry, kid." yoongi stood up and left the room, leaving jungkook to himself to unpack.

he sighed, smiling slightly, and continued putting clothes and other things in the dresser and closet, thinking it wouldn't be so bad here.


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