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"w-what?" jeongguk pulled away from yoongi, his eyebrows shooting up.

"y'know, like got7, nct, blackpink. someone talked to me about you the other day. they heard about your dancing through hoseok and namjoon. it's a lot of hard work and time outside of home." yoongi looked at jeongguk, holding his breath.

jeongguk stared at his lap, his eyes holding a sad look in them. "i can't do that though.. i'm not nearly talented as some of the other students in my class, i'm not attractive, and i'm just not good. i've always dreamed of a life like that, but i can't... i'm not good enough."

"jeongguk, you are though. i've seen you dance, heard you sing, and you're beautiful. you've got it all." yoongi grabbed his boyfriend's hand, running his thumb over his knuckles. "if this is something you've thought about doing before, you should do it. i support it, and i believe in you."

"you really think i could do it?" jeongguk slowly looked up at yoongi.

"i know you can." yoongi smiled, his gums showing. he wrapped his arm back around jeongguk and pulled him closer.

jeongguk rested his head on yoongi's shoulder. "how do i get there though?"

"i can help with that. i work for bighit entertainment, a music producing company, and they're currently looking for trainees." yoongi rested his head on top of the brunette's.

"it sounds absolutely crazy, but i gotta start somewhere."


jeongguk strutted into the dance studio, his bag slung over his shoulder. when he stepped into his designated practice room, he was greeted with something he thought he'd never see in a million years.


taehyung and hoseok pulled away slightly and looked at the boy, their lips swollen and hair messy.

the blond lightly shoved hoseok's chest. "i thought you locked the door."

hoseok chuckled quietly. "i did! well, i thought i did.. but you know this wasn't gonna stay a secret forever." he winked at taehyung before stepping away. "sorry you had to see that, jeongguk."

jeongguk was still standing there like a deer caught in headlights, his doe eyes wide and mouth parted slightly.

"c'mon, ggukie, does this really surprise you?" taehyung moved closer to him and smiled his infamous box-like grin.

"i-i guess not." jeongguk's face turned red, coming to a realization of what had happened, and covered his face. "i just wanted to practice."

"agh, you're so cute, no wonder yoongi loves you so much." hoseok ruffled the younger boy's hair, smiling wide. "we'll leave you alone now." he grabbed taehyung's hand and pulled him out of the room. "we've got some unfinished business to take care of."

"have fun~" taehyung giggled and followed hoseok, closing the door behind them.

jeongguk sighed and tossed his bag onto the floor before sitting next to it. he began to stretch, playing some music in the background.

he started to think about what he and yoongi talked about earlier. he's always dreamed of dancing on a stage and singing his heart out, but it was crushed when he lost dohyun. he was always there for him, pushing him further and giving him the pep talks he needed. dohyun was there for jeongguk when he needed him most. he was the light at the end of the tunnel.

but now that he was gone, jeongguk slowly tried letting that dream go. he lost confidence, and thought he'd never get it back. maybe though, just maybe he could get that feeling back. the joy he felt when dancing to carefully choreographed songs, or when he was belting out the high notes to his favorite songs. he missed the child-like dream.

jeongguk stood up and connected his phone to the speaker. he began to dance like he did back home, imagining thousands cheering him on.

this book probably only has a few chapters left, but i do have another book planned once i finish this one. (not a sequel)
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