Chapter 13 - Bullet Through a Flock of Doves

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- John came and tried to stop Angela, Newt, Thomas, and Catherine from going to the Rosewood Institute
- James came to try to stop John
- Angela fainted
- Angela and Thomas stayed behind
- Newt and Catherine were in the car and were headed to the Rosewood Institute

Chapter 13 - Bullet Through a Flock of Doves

No no no no!

John shrugged off James' hand on his shoulder. He let himself get distracted by that James. He rushed to his car and started to chase Newt and Catherine.


"I'm fine. I'm fine," Angela tried to say to Thomas, but he wouldn't have it.

When she saw John leave, she was trying to stand up. She knew that he was going to try to catch up to Catherine and Newt. She was a worried about the two of them. They were just kids. They also don't know the way to the Rosewood Institute. She also wondered who was on the wheel. The driving was a bit reckless.

Not taking any arguments, she pushed herself away from Thomas and stood up.

"James, what's going on?" She demanded.

"I'll explain on the way. Come on."

James, Thomas, and Angela were in James' car, trying to chase down John.


Catherine just received a text from Angela saying that John was on their tails. Not that they needed that since Newt was busying trying to shake him off. To go to the Rosewood Institute, you have to go to the forest where it's located. Newt was trying to shake John off there, but he wasn't having that much luck.

"Who is he?' Newt asked Catherine.

"That's John. (Y/N)'s guardian."


"Yeah. Her parents are dead. So he was the one who raised her. He was the one who put her in the mental asylum."

Hearing this gave Newt mixed emotions. There goes his shot of making a good impression on the father figure that (Y/N) had. But his blood was also boiling because he was the man who was trying to tell (Y/N) that she was crazy.

"Why are we trying to lose him?" He asked as he took another turn. "Are we sure that he means trouble?"

Catherine and Newt jumped at the sound of the gunshot. That was answer enough for the both of them. The sound fazed Newt for a second. His last memories in the old realm was replaying in his mind.

He stared at Thomas. His hands were shaking.

"Kill me!"

The gunshot echoed in his head. But he remembered that he was now in a different realm and he had a mission. He couldn't afford to lose himself. Not now. Not in this situation. Not when he's so close to seeing (Y/N) again.


The chill that Angela felt last night when she touched John was the same thing she felt when she touched Newt. She couldn't understand what was happening. James said that he'll explain along the way but he was occupied for now.

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