Chapter 15 - Give Me a Reason to Believe

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- John explains why Newt and (Y/N) can't meet
- James found out something more about the connection between John and Angela
- Hearing the damage that could be caused because of their reunion, Newt decided to stay behind and not see (Y/N)

Chapter 15 - Give Me a Reason to Believe

11:38 am

Newt watched with a heavy heart as Angela, Thomas, and Catherine were on their way to the Rosewood Institute. After they changed Angela's tires, they left him behind with James and John. Newt hated that it' had to be this way for two reasons. He wanted to see (Y/N) so bad and now that he's so close, he sees that he shouldn't. The other reason was that there was so much tension between James and John that he kind of wanted to slither away from their presence and just hide in a tree.

The two men couldn't stop arguing with each other. Newt tried to tune them out but he couldn't. He scowled at them for being so inconsiderate. Mostly all the adults he met were like that, probably with the exception of a few.

He was obviously distraught with not being able to see (Y/N), who's the only other person that has been through the same thing he has. But because of that is the reason that he couldn't see her. He wanted to be alone to probably sulk. What he didn't need now is to hear two men yelling at each other.

"He can go see her!"

"He can't! Didn't you listen to a word I just said you dense idiot."

"I've made certain arrangements for them to be able to see each other. I'm sure this won't end up in catastrophe."

"Oh sure sure. You're so full of yourself. You told me you could bring back (Y/N)."

"I did!"

"But she's different now."

"Well- you know the dangers of realm hopping."

"And you do too don't you? It's why they can't see each other! We're going around in circles."

"Yes I agree," Newt butted in. "The two of you are going around in circles. It's done now, I'm not going to see her. They're gone," he said with a pained voice.

Hearing this, John remembered that the boy that was with them. He was clearly was heartbroken. He suddenly felt embarrassed with how he was acting. But looks like James was as dense as he accused him to be.

"We could still catch up with them."

"James," he said with a warning tone.

"John," he mocked him.

"Just be quiet for a minute."

Surprisingly, James didn't contradict him or say anything. He just crossed his arms while John went to Newt. Newt didn't mean to glower at the man who's as well as (Y/N)'s father, but he couldn't wipe off the sour look on his face.

"I want to thank you," John said to Newt, surprising him, "for staying behind."

"For (G/N)'s safety."

Infinite Realms: Porcelain Heart (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now