S-Class trial

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CHAPTER ELEVEN- The S-Class Trials

     From a few days later after the arrival of Lisanna everyone was going totally insane. Everybody in the guild were taking jobs instantly. While me and lucy were in shock of how many people are getting jobs.

   What the hell is going on.?
But then a few days later we were all called to the front of the guild stage then everyone was so tense and demanding of something big then the master,

Erza, Mira, Gildarts all are on top of the stage and the master yelled out

" The S- class trials"

[a little bit of explaining thanks to Mira~]

But the master has called out Gray, Natsu, Juvia, Levy, Freed, Elfman, Cana and Mest. Juvia though she could be partners up with her 'Graysama~' but she was picked to go so she has to find a partner. Gray chose Loki one of Lucy's celestial keys (which it was kind of odd)

Hmm maybe next time I could try out for these trials... in the next seven years.

Sasha: ' I wished someone told me sooner....'

Me being in the guild for not too long made me think how many events do the guild really have... it's not I would feel left out. It's just being here makes me even more happy as it is. But suddenly someone tapped me on my shoulder. It was Gray.

Gray: Yo Sasha do you want to be my partner in the s class trials?

Sasha: ..Huh!?

When everyone heard what Gray said they all stood in surprise, even me.

Juvia: NOOO now Sasha- Sama Is now my rival!!!!!

Lisanna: Juvia calm down!

Sasha: What but I though Loki was your partner?

Gray: Well I change my mind because your also new here and. I think you should also be experiencing about the S-class trial too.

Sasha: That's... a bit random... But are you sure?

I glance towards Loki with a comforting smile on his face.

"Yeah what the hell, but Gray you owe me big time." Loki said as he disappeared back to the celestial dimension.

Gray: Its fine. Plus you still need to work on your-

Sasha: ICE magic

I shot glances to Gray. Making him realized I told him my silver magic was a secret.

Gray: O-oh yeah Ice magic.
He laughed awkwardly hoping no body would find that suspicious.

Sasha: But hey of course ! I will help you become an S class wizard

Gray: I hope I can could on you. Oh don't me me regret that later.

Sasha: Well someone is being moody now.

Gray: Hey. I'm kidding.

He placed his hand on my head and smiled.
Gray: Let get ready and train. We only have a few week.

Sasha: Heh say no more.

Both laughed and started to walk out of the doors of the guild hall. Once they both went outside, Sasha noticed a single snowflake on her nose and many snowflakes began to fall on the streets of magnolia.

Sasha: Its snowing...

She began to fall silent thinking of her dragon and the snow mountains she used to live in.

" I know that look." Sasha looked up at what Gray said.

Sasha: Huh?

Gray: You miss your old home am I right?

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