The Grand Ball<3

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Laxus Pov
The time passes I started to doze off and these ladies still kept admiring me which I found to be getting irritating. But a familiar person caught my interest. It was Sasha walking down the stairs with the rest of girls in our guild. God I never seen her so magnificent before. Without thinking I walked towards them.

"Aww Laxus where are you going ???" The girl said
But quickly I ignored them and walked towards her.

-Flash back-

A few minutes ago with Lucy , Mira, Wendy, Yukino, Lisanna, and Juvia

"Sasha you should hurry up all of us are all ready dressed." Mira said as Sasha was keep making excuses.
Sasha: B-but I never wore a dress before !!!

She wails as Mira , Lisanna and Lucy tries to undress her.

"Come on Sasha-sama! Don't you want to impress Laxus ?" Levy asked

Sasha: W-why would I do that ?!
"Well then how about Gray? You guys seem so close." Mira replied.

Sasha: What!!! Not in a million years.

Juvia: My new love RIVAL !!!

Sasha: Oh calm down juvia I don't LIKE HIM!!!

"Oh And what you think he's not hot ?" She

"Yes he's hot but not my type !!! LAXUS IS EVEN MORE HOTTER THAT GRAY !!!" she yelled but she did not relize she said that as all of the girls stared at her

"Ummm ignore what I said about him.."Sasha spoke softly.

"Girls hold her down we have make this happen !!!" Lucy said as lissana, Mira , held her down a Lucy started to giggle.

Lisanna: Don't worry you'll make laxus love you even more~

Sasha: nuuuuooo!

She started to stare at Wendy

Sasha: Help me ~ Wendy !!!

Wendy: umm are you should this is a bit much?

"Nonsense!" Mira said as that started to dress up Sasha.

-Ok flash back ended-

Sasha:  Do you's a bit much?

Bit much? A slim long black dress. Exposing her shoulders yet covers her chest but still had the sculpt edges, Her necklace she never takes off Rosy blushed face. Her porcelain skin. How can a forest girl have such flawless skin..

..a hidden gem deep inside the forest...


"I'm really that beautiful? " she mutters.

Laxus smirked

"Will you care to dance with me ?" He asked as she offers her his hand and walked to the dance floor.
"Girls we did it " Lucy exclaimed and with that Lisanna high fives her.

"But wait if they walk to some where else then what if ...." Mira said as with all the girls started think what's going to happen next .
They all imagine Sasha on a bed as her hands are tied up while Laxus smirking at her and getting on the bed with her.

Lucy: What have we done ....

Mira: Who knows I wonder what their baby will look like.

   They all thought but later completely ignored it so
Now we're here with Laxus and Sasha...
they kept on dancing until Freed also wanted to dance with him but Sasha didn't mind but instead was actually craving for some food. She walked to the food table until she saw the ice sculptures but she knows that's very un ladylike so she grabbed a lot of the deserts.

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