Song of the fairies

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CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE- Song of the fairies
"WAHAHAHAHA. I knew sending you guys was the right decision. How nice, how nice." Old man Walrot laughed

Natsu: heh it was a piece of cake.

Erza: I'm just relieved that we finished Walrot's request with out further incident.

Sasha: Oh yea whatever happened to those thieves.

Lucy: We sent them flying with a special kick.

Sasha: Hehe alright!

Wendy: It really caught us off guard when we found out that Tartarus was involved though.

Walrot: Hm..... I wouldn't worry too much about them then.... let the senate handle that investigations regarding that....

Sasha: But still....

Walrot: More importantly there's still the matter of your payment.

Happy: We've been looking forwards to this!!!

Carla: It's only natural after a job well done.

Walrot: Here.
He handed them something out of his garden.

Sasha: Here?

Walrot: It's potato from my garden


Walrot: It's a joke. I'm messing with you~

Natsu: Ahh a joke.. right

Gray: haha...Ha..

Walrot: Actually it's a potato I bought from the neighboring town.



Later on

Lucy: UWAHH now this is nice!!!!

Erza: Quite a view we have

Sasha: Mmmhm it feels so nice~!

She tossed her towel to the side and went slowly to the hot springs until Wendy called her.

Wendy: Um big sis.... what happened to you?

Sasha: Hmm?

Wendy: ... Your scars

Sasha looked at her body, many scars are located by her eyes as she didn't even noticed she even had this much past scars.

Sasha:..The jobs I took..

LlShe thinks on how she can avoid this problem but she knows she's still to rash with her fighting an always using close combat to fight her enemies.

Erza: You know we could fix that when we get back to the guild hall.

Sasha coughed and looks at the scarlet maiden.

Sasha: Really?!

Erza: Yes.

Sasha grabs onto Erza's shoulders and stares at her orbs.

Sasha: Show me this place when we go back to town.

Shocked the red head but then smiled as she nodes after that.

"C'mon getting in the bath already!" Lucy shouted as she takes off her towel and pushes Sasha and Erza into the spring.

Sasha: okay okay

Erza: Well it helps rejuvenate a tired body and soul. Allowing us to face our future trials refreshed

Sasha: Sounds perfect already~

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