Chapter 7

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One second, I'm just standing there. Then the next, I see a wolf pounce at me and my girlfriend jump right infront of me. I stood in shock for a millisecond, but then before I knew, I threw the poor hybrid at a tree. I felt awful about doing it, but I had too. I saw Jerome run to her, as I ran to Ender, with hope. My sweet little Ender, was absolutely MAULED.

She laid there, looking dazed. Her face had many claw marks on it, as did her fore arms and stomach. She was bleeding quite heavily, and I saw blood drip down in her eyes, as she whispered something I couldn't understand. As everyone ran over, I began at bawl over my bloodied love. (Gawd sounds so cheesy!)

She was passed out, and she wasn't breathing. I threw my arms over her, and sobbed into her shirt. She saved my life. At the cost of hers. I then felt something against my ear. There it was again. A pulse! I jumped up, as I grabbed the bandages. I quickly wrapped her wounds, then I remember a spell.

"angore, tristitia, dolore, se ante tempus a. Deo mors, da quod capta redige deperditi. Ante quod tragoedia, percussit, hoc tempore. Quaeso, si fractum abiit omnis adesto." (Translated to English: angst, depression, grief, Before a persons time. God of Death, Give what has been taken, Bring back what has been lost. Before what tragedy struck, modern time. Please, all is broken if she is gone, please help. I came up with that off the top of my head. It's in Latin, btw.) I say, letting my eyes glow purple, holding on to Enders hand. My eyes turn back to their normal color, as I pray it works.

Last time, sorcerer. She has a minute. I hear in my head, as she inhales sharply, but painfully. I quickly search my brain for a idea, and I remember. "Sana quod est saucium, iam inde pugna cicatrices sanat." (heal what has been hurt, heal the scars from this past struggle.) I said over and over again, and my eyes glow. The glow travels to her body, engulfing her in magenta. I just noticed, everyone had backed up a step. She let's out a muffled scream, as I suppose her skin was healing. I suppose that would hurt. After about a minute, the glow fades from both of us, and she laid there, passed out but breathing regularly. I smile lightly as darkness engulfs me.


My eyes widen at the sight of her. Seto throws himself over her, sobbing. His eyes suddenly widen, and twinkle. He starts saying a spell, I suppose, but his voice was two octaves lower. We took that as time to back up. His eyes glow a fierce purple, as he held her hand. He says it one more time, then his eyes turn to his brown again. His eyes twinkle again as she inhales, but quickly dull as he thinks of something, but then he seems to remember something, and he chants several words, as his eyes glow purple, and the purple engulfs Ender. I hear a muffled scream, and I try to go to her, but Mitch holds me back. I stare into his hazel red eyes. Then, out of no where, he kisses me. On the lips. I melt into the kiss.

We soon let go, blushing, and I soon saw two bodies on the floor. One was cloaked, unmistakably Seto, and my friend,who was dead a minute ago, as fit as a dog, besides being passed out and scarred. They both slept, as the rest of us stared in awe.


I sit up, with a jolt, and instantly groan and lay down. What had happened? I scream in my head as it all comes back. I run my hand against my face, forearms, and my stomach. I can feel the light scars on them, but it was unnatural for it to heal that quickly. How did I live? I look to my right, and see Seto sleeping peacefully. I look down, and see a cast on my foot, and my foot was facing the right way. I look over to my left, and I see crutches and my sword. I see scratch lines where the scars would be on my shirt. I look at the sky, and see it is turning night. I quickly pull my sheath over my ripped shirt, and crutch my way over to where the fire pit is. I sit, and grab a fish, and consider it as dinner.

As I eat, I continue to think. How did I live? How did my wounds heal so quickly? Someone approaches, I flinch lightly as I pull my sword out and stab it in the ground next to me, interested in the fire now. "Hey." I hear the person say. "Hi." I say quietly, nervous. I mean, I just got MAULED. "It's just me, hope." She said, and I calmed down a bit as she came to sit down by me. As she sat down, I began to break down, and I cried into her shoulder.

"H-how did I live?" I ask her as I sob into her shoulder. I felt her rub my back, and a tear drop fall on my head. (How did that not hurt her, I have absolutely no idea. Maybe something about the salt and the other things in it....) "well... I have no idea. All we heard was Seto saying something in a different language..." She says, and I gasp as I remember a memory.


"Oh my god!" I heard a voice say as I lay on the ground, blood slowly coming out of my wounds, and I turn my head and see my sister laying right beside me, looking about as bad as I did. There was a man that came out of the woods beside us, and ran to both of us. I was trying to reach for my parents, who were still in the car.

He puts a hand on our shoulders, and I look into his young brown eyes, half way covered by a purple cloak and brown hair. I wince as he gasps and sees the piece of glass over my left eye. He removes it as I scream. I began to feel light headed. No. I'm not going to sleep. I heard him say words in a different language, as I scream again at the pain of my skin pulling itself together. He healed my sister as well. "W-what's your name?" I ask quickly. "Seto," he says, then he ran off. I felt something cover my mouth, then I passed out. But I didn't know that was my last moment of freedom for a long period.

I inhale sharply as I come back to reality. I move the hair from the front of my face, and feel the scar. The shard of glass that made me go blind in one eye. The memory of being impaled. I sigh quietly as I position it again. "When are you going to tell them?" Hope asks. "I have no idea. Maybe soon." I say. The tears had stopped flowing, and I grabbed a sweet gum leaf off a tree, and wiped my face off.

I talked to Hope for a while, and Seto soon walked over to me, rubbing his head. He sat down next to me, and I hugged him, and thanked him many times. "You've saved my life twice Seto," I say as I look into his brown eyes again. "Well, for something that's worth it." He says as he strokes my hair. I smile lightly. "Seto, you must be tired. I mean, that must have taken a lot of energy healing a person." Hope says, as she gives a cooked fish to him.

"Hellavua lot." He says. "When... Well you know. But anyways, after I ran into the forest, I went to sleep for a week in a tree. I'm surprised no one found me." He says as he eats the fish. I giggle lightly. "I remember exactly the way you looked before he did this to you. But either way your more beautiful than the nature around us." (In this, it means she's the most beautiful thing ever, that's the way I think ;) )

he says. "Tell me then," I say, cause I actually forgot. Sad ain't it. "Beautiful brown eyes, and brown hair. Skin was tan ish, even though I could tell the pain you two were going through, and basically looked like Ender just did, but I could tell what you two probably looked like with out."

Soon enough, Seto was done with his fish, as we sat there people came in, and saw us sitting there, and hugged me and Seto. It was uncomfortable for me, since it still hurt a lot. I looked down and tensed up as Artemis came in. Hope pulled me close to her, noticing my looks I suppose. I pulled my good leg in, and hugged it. I breathed in quickly as I got up, and nodded to everyone as I went to my sleeping spot. I heard arguing at the fire as I fell asleep. They are arguing about me. This was all my fault. I thought as I fell into a nightmarish sleep.

(Long chapter to make y'all happy since the last chapter wasn't really a chappie, and the late upload! Some LATIN in this chapter!)

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