Chapter 11

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(If you don't wanna see a half-crazy Seto, then you probably don't wanna read this.)


My eyes burn with fury, as my fists heat up. I hear footsteps come behind me, but they sound muted slightly. The only thing I could think about is Ender, and all I could hear is my heart beat. "Dude, what's the matter?" I hear from behind me. "Get away." I say, voice sounding an octave lower. I get pinned against a tree by Mitch. "dude, calm down!"

He says, looking into my eyes. My hand was free and I punch him in the face, and kick him to the floor. Anyone who gets in my way to get to Ender, will be hurt. I jog, staggering slightly the rest of the way, not really controlling my actions, anger controlling them.

I scoff at their tiny door, and use my powers to bust it down. I continue to walk, my hood now fall back, my messy brown hair just flying every where. 2 guards come at me, and I simply just flick my hand, and they fall to the floor, dead. I hear a voice ring through the prison, and more guards come at me. The closest they came to me is a arrow cutting off a strand of my hair. I killed them as I followed a new trail of blood, and I see a door, and I bust it down.

I almost melt at the sight of my girlfriend. It's... It's too gory to even think about. I sit beside her, and hear her heartbeat and she was breathing. "It'll be okay," I whisper as I pick her up, and swagger (yes I choose this word XD) into the hallway. I see more guards, and I flick my head and they fly into a wall, dying instantly.

I soon confront the back door, the one I blew up. And I exit quickly, with Ender in arms. My magic flings the obstacles out of the way, and I notice Mitch isn't where I left him. They must've took him back to camp. We make it back to camp, and I looked down at Ender, and my eyes, instead purple with fury, They were purple with nervousness. I run to my bag, and I get my bandages. Everyone seems to be getting in my way! I just shove them to the side, and slid over to Ender. "sanabit eam, et tuta" (heal her, let her be safe) I mutter.

Her wounds don't heal completely, but they stop bleeding, and I was fine with that, at the moment. I wrap her wounds, and I finally realize what I did. I went wacko, like I always did in these situations. Everyone is staring at me, and I do the only thing I can think of doing. Run.

(I got the idea from a awesome book :D)

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