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Everyone stood in silence, except for ssundee. He was stabbing a man through the stomach in anger. He believed that he killed his love. Well not HIS, but his other halves.

Meanwhile, everyone was around the body of Seto. Seto was breathing shakily, twitching. The blood loss on him was great. He took one last shaky breath, and exhales. His eyes close, and his opal crown fell in front of his eyes.

The sorcerer was dead.

Adam counted the castulites of his crew.

Ty, who was his best friend since the beginning. Fell to the hands of Ender. Or Redne. Whichever.

Both of which are dead due to Enders hands. She killed herself, he figured, to ensure the safety of us all. He felt slight happiness that she cared that much.

Seto, who died to the hands of Herobrines Warriors. He was like His little brother. His cut off leg had also fell in the lava.

Zane, I suppose was trying to help.. Died to herobrine.

Jay, Ian's crush, died by falling into lava.

He looked down. I should've done better. Better at protecting. He thought.

"W-we won!" Jason said. "At the cost of five." Adam said sadly. "We can take the bodies and bury them in the over land. "Um... And we better hurry!" Jason chided, seeing the blocks deteriorating. We picked Ender and Setos still bleeding corpse. "Let's go!" Jason yelled, jumping in the back from the dropping blocks.

Everyone went through the portal, Adam last. He took one last look, and jumped through the portal, leaving the death behind him.

They made their way back to camp sadly. They laid the bodies down on the wet dirt of the camp. No one had noticed, but Enders ears, tail and hair had turned to a browncolor. The Ender side was gone from her completely.

The group mourned their losses.

Ender (oh? What's this?)

I looked slowly around. I then saw a familiar face. Oh no, what was he doing here? I run quickly over to him.

"Seto?" I say, sitting down where he was spawned. "Ender?" He says, and hugs me. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "Let's just say that I bled out." He says, gesturing down. He only had one leg. I frowned. I pointed at where the scar was left when I stabbed myself. I begin to cry on his shoulder. "Where are we, anyways?" He asked me. "Aether. For the people still tethered to the earth somehow." I say.

"Seto, Ender. Make your way to the castle." A voice says in our heads. We looked over at each other, and got up, and made our way to the castle. We floated, as it was quicker than walking. We got there, and we gasped as we saw the person that called us.




But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was out late cause I went over to Mattie's house... Again.

Ugh, this is one of the chapters I haven't really changed. So sorry if it sucks! :/

Thanks for 50 follows, and 120 votes! It means so much!

And don't forget to slap that vote button with a book, and I'll see you all later! Bai!


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