Chappie uhoh...

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I almost gasped. What the nether....

But I quickly remembered the situation I was in.

"Hero, hello!" I call, walking out. "Oh, um.. Hi Artemis!" He says sweetly. Damn, that's a horrible act. "Who the nether is that?" Ender said, then her eyes widened. "So that's who Zane got. That bitch of a friend to Ender." She said, and I was thinking, I thought we were friends... But why did she refer to herself in third person? "Redne, don't be so mean, she's my wife." He says. "Um, please don't mind me asking, who is this Redne?" I ask, because I was SERIOUSLY confused.

"Her." Herobrine says, pointing at Ender. "Excuse me, 'Hero'," she said, putting quotation marks around The mention of his name, "I'm a man, trapped in this whores body!" 'He' finished. "Whatever.. Well, the enderman side fought out of this girl, and he was her enderman side. But she's just is locked away, in the back of his mind." He said. That's what happened.

Redne rolls his... Or her... Eyes. I'll just call it a him for now.

"So, anyways Artemis, why are you here? You usually sleep late!" He says, looking anxious. "Oh, I just wanted to take a stroll! I also wanted to see my lovely husband!" I say, almost barfing in my mouth at the last part.

"Oh, okay!" He says, smiling a fake smile. "So why don't you go lay down?" He asks, and I shake my head. "I just want to stay here, hero! I missed you!" I say. He sighs. I sit down next to where he was sitting in his throne. We talked, and talked and talked.

Ender (it'll be Redne when it's on the outside, and Ender when it's on the inside.)

Ugh. Black everywhere I see. I hear voices. Ugh. I want to vomit at what Artemis is saying. I sigh. Nothing I can do!


We finally made it to the nether. The material there, is red, and looks like... Intestines. Also, there was a brownish material, as I was told by my book was soul sand. I also saw a glowing material hanging from the top, and I suppose that was glowstone. There was also drops, and that let to lava.

I found my mind wandering to Ender. Why did she never tell us? I guess she didn't want us to think she was a freak. Jay was walking along the edge, looking to the lava there. All of a sudden, a block fell that she was standing on, and she screamed.

Ian ran and grabbed her hand before she could fall. I covered my mouth.


"Jay!" I yell grabbing her hand. She looked fearfully at me. "Can you fly back up?" I ask her, quickly. She tried moving her wings, but they wouldn't move. She quickly shakes her head. "No one can use their powers or hybrid things unless they are part something that is from here." Seto quickly says. I'm struggling to hold her up, and she looks up at me sadly. "This is the end for me, Ian." She says tears streaming down her face.

"N-no! I can get you up!" I say, and try and pull her up. She's to heavy. I begin to cry, but the tears dry at the middle of my face. "I love you, Ian. Never forget me, but move on." She says, and it was to quick for me to even comprehend the next part, but it seemed, to go in slowmotion. I say quickly, "I love you to the ends of the world." I say, and she smiles, and she let's go of my hand, and falls.

I watch as she is engulfed by the lava, and I start screaming.



Ohhhh herobrine..... What did you get yourself into... XD

Well, here's the second chapter I promised!

Also, if you want, re read the book! I'm editing it some, and I would like to know if it's good!

Holy shist, 40 followers? HOW DID YOU FIND ME YOU STALKERS! Lol, jk. But hope you enjoy this :D

Well, smack that vote button with a book, and Follow for more books in the future! Share with your friends if you enjoy! Love your faces, my EnderCats and Endermen!


Written on August 2nd, 2014

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