Got7|Youngjae|Your The One I Love Not Her

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-3rd Person POV-

This is the day you never wanted to be seeing. Your two best friends getting married. That's right your two best friends were getting married right in front of your eyes.

What made it even worse was that you were in love with the groom. You had been in love with him for ten years now. You saw how happy your best friend Saeyeona looked. All you could do was be happy for them.

Well this was just the practice for them getting married. Saeyeona looked so happy that she would be getting married to Youngjae but something didn't seem right with him. After there practice Youngjae came over to you, you placed a fake smile to try and show you were happy for the both if them.

"Are you excited then to be getting married?" You asked and then you started mental beating yourself up because you already knew the answer but didn't want to hear it from him.

Youngjae looked to see if he could see Saeyeona anywhere in hearing rage.

"Honestly no" he said as he leant back into the chair.

You were surprised by his answer because of two things, 1. You weren't expecting it and 2. You definitely weren't expecting it.

"How come? I thought you were really looking forward to getting married" you said.

He shook his head, "It's an arranged marriage, I only love Saeyeona as a friend. I love someone else" he said as he leant his head back and placed his arms over his eyes.

"Have you told your parents that you don't want to get married?" You asked once again, really curious of why.

"I can't Saeyeona looks so happy and I don't want her to feel upset about it because I love someone else" he sighed.

"Can I know who you secretly love?" You asked once again and he shook his head immediately.

"Well I suggest you tell your secret love that you love them before its too late" you gave him a genuine smile.

He looked at you and nodded.

"Anyway I've got to go, I'll see you later Youngjae" you smiled walking out the building.

Once your were out you ran to your car, tears fell down your cheeks. When you hot into your car you had a full on break down.

"Why the hell did you tell him to go that Y/N, they would have probably been happy if you hadn't given that advice to him" you scolded yourself.

After ten minutes you calmed down and drove back to your apartment. When you got back you locked your apartment door.

You didn't want to go out or see anyone. Kept all the lights switched off apart from your bedroom which you closed the door to make the rest of the rooms still dark. You looked on your phone to see that you had a few miss calls from Youngjae. You didn't really want to talk to him right now. Well you texted him something.

Hey Youngjae:) I don't think I can make it to your wedding I'm sorry:( I hope you've told your secret love that you love them:) sorry again for not being able to make it.

You then switched your phone off completely.

"I hope you will be happy Youngjae" you dozed off and fell asleep quickly from all the crying earlier.

Three days since you had your phone on. Three days and you haven't left your apartment. Three day ago you were crying. Now on this day is Saeyeona and Younjae's wedding day. You knew he would be at the wedding service now so you came out for room.

You had a shower and put some fresh clean clothes on which was just black jeans and a white T-Shirt. You went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple since you have only been drinking water for the past three days and surprisingly you weren't hungry. You opened the curtains by the sofa and you decided to see if anything was on TV.

The main news was Youngjae was getting married since he is in a famous group. You switched off the TV and went on your laptop. You still hadn't switched your phone on but you weren't that bothered at the moment. You opened Twitter on your laptop and saw a lot of angry tweets.


(Ship name) are the true lovers in the situation here.

Reply to: @YoungjaeSTAN

Y/n AnD yOuNgJaE fOrEvEr!!!

You smiled at all the tweets sadly none of them were going to become true. After reading a few more you switched your laptop off and laid on the sofa. You were dozing slightly until you heard a loud knock on your apartment door. It snapped you out your doze quickly and you went over to the door. You unlocked it and opened it revealing Youngjae holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Y-Youngjae w-what are you doing here?" You stuttered in complete shock.

"You did tell me to tell my secret love I love them but they haven't been answering me for three days and I got worried. I have tried knocking everyday for the past three days but nothing but since today was supposed to be my wedding day I knew you would probably answer the door. Y/N there is no one I would want to marry other than you, you are the only one for me. Y/N please be my girlfriend so we can be together forever. I love you so much" he confessed then and there on your door step.

You were shocked but you were filled with happiness, you cried because of how happy you were.

"Yes Youngjae I will be your girlfriend. I love you so much" you hugged him and he hugged you.

You were invited him into your apartment where you both just cuddled in the sofa for hours and hours of cuddling and talking.

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First Uploaded: 12/6/2018
Edited: 27/12/2018

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