NCT|Lucas|I'm A Celebirty Get Me Out Of Here (Watching It)

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-3rd Person POV-

It was that time of the month again when the TV show, 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here' is on.

You and Yuk-hei loved watching to show together. You both always got so tense, competitive and scared while watching it.

Tense because of some trails they have to do. Competitive to see who will win the whole show. Finally scared because some of the creepy crawlies they put in there.

This year when the introduction came on showing all the celebrities that would be on made you excited. You both had to tell each other if the other one forgot which celebrity was from what. You both got confused but gradually got used to it.

Watching the first challenges where they got into teams was hard watching. Especially when they had to do sky diving, you and Yuk-hei were both on the edge of the sofa tense to see how it was going to go and too see who got the better camp.

You both had the people you wanted to win in your head. Altogether there wa three challenges to do for the first and Main part of the first episode. The first one was climbing up this thing to get flags. The second one was driving. Then the third one was getting in a boat that they moved themselves to get to the floating island to get there bags.

You both felt bad for the losing team because they had to sleep on the floor for two nights while the others got hammocks. They all talked in there teams since they were divided into separate camps. You loved who they were all getting along so well.

Finally voting was open.

"Who are you voting for?" You asked looking at Yuk-hei's phone.

"I'm going for the one that's going to win" he smirked knowing it would whined you up.

"Fine, I'm voting for the person I thinks going to win" you said using all five votes on the same person.

"Wait of both the people we want to win, there both in the losing team" you said before you both burst into laughed.

At the end of the first episode of the season they announced the first person to do the trail on the show and let's say that none of two people you voted for did it first.


First Uploaded: 20/11/2018
Edited: 16/01/2019

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