Day6|Young K|Fangirling

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-3rd Person POV-

You and Young Hyun were in New York. He and Day6 were in a world tour and he wanted to take you along with him. They had one preform and you had two days to explore the huge city.

One shop you liked going in was the BT21 shop. You bought: a hoodie, keyring of each character, a cap and a pen. Your also a huge Kpop fan even before you met Young Hyun.

You both woke up at six in the morning with the time difference, so it was normal. You got up and had a shower and put on your: BT21 hoodie, black ripped jeans, grey T-Shirt and some light brown ankle boots.

When you came out the bathroom you already saw Young Hyun ready. Once you both were fully ready you headed down for breakfast. Young Hyun handed them your breakfast vouchers and they lead you to a table of two.

They handed you two menus and left to get you both some water to start off with. When they came back you ordered what you wanted. When the orders came out you both ate quickly and headed to our to go shopping.

You both started looking around time square and then started heading down from there. You both soon came across Korea Town. Of corse you both became curious so you both headed down the street. As you were looking around and taking pictures you looked in a shop window beside you and you saw cardboard cut outs of: D.O, Xumin, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. The first thing you did was pull your phone out and took a picture of them through the window.

Young Hyun just laughed before carrying on. You both passed this that did chicken dishes, while Young Hyun was looking at the menu, you pulled your phone out and started to film the BTS chicken advert. Young Hyun laughed again slightly.

Then the shop came along that made your eyes light up. A shop full of Kpop stuff. You ran into the shop leaving Young Hyun outside. Young Hyun sighed and walked in after you looking at all the albums.

"Young Hyun they have BTS! TWICE! RED VELVET! ASTRO! SUJU! AND EVERYTHING!" You said happily.

"Y/N~" Young Hyun pouted.

You turned around seeing Young Hyun pouting.

"Aww what's wrong?" You asked cutely.

"What about me and my group?" He continued to pout cutely.

You felt bad and found the Day6 albums and started fangirling over them making Young Hyun smile happily. You also came out the shop with about ten albums as well as other Kpop merch.


First Uploaded: 23/10/2018
Edited: 04/01/2019

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