Chapter One

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"Ohh I don't know what to do!" Sarah cried out. "I hate this shade of lipstick." She said wiping her lips with a tissue. She stood up in front of the mirror.

She walked around the room looking for her jewelry box. She seemed to misplace her things more and more now a days. Although it might have been Toby, he liked to go in her room and mess with her toys, even though she was 18 now she still loves them dearly.

"Toby! How many times have I told you to stay out of my room!" She called out in the hallway before slamming her door shut. It seemed to have gotten worse since they moved to their new house.

She laid down on her bed and picked up her favorite teddy bear, Lancelot. She turned her head, and looked at the nightstand. The book was still there. She hadn't looked through it since before she went to the Labyrinth. She picked it up and started to open it but she stopped when there was a knock at her door.

"Sarah open the door." Her father said.

She put the book down and ran to the door.

"I have to babysit Toby again don't I." It wasn't a question.

"Just for a little while. Your mother and I -"

"She's not my mother."

"Fine, just watch Toby we have to go to a dinner for my job. Besides I didn't think you'd mind." He's said.

"No, I don't mind. I like telling Toby bed time stories." Sarah explained.

"Thank you. We'll be back before midnight. All you have to do is put him to bed." He said as he left her doorway.

She went to Toby's bedroom (no balcony this time), and found the toddler on the floor playing with one of her dolls.

"Hey that's mine!" She said taking back her toy. He, of course started crying. He was three now, and never remembered going to the Labyrinth. "Toby don't be like that. I'll tell you a story of you lay down."

"Okay Sarah." The babe said. He climbed into his bed.

"Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl whose stepmother always made her stay home with the baby. The baby was a spoiled child, and wanted everything for himself and the young girl was practically his slave. But what no one knew is that the King of the Goblins had fallen in love with the girl. He had given her certain powers. So one night, the baby had been particularly cruel to her she called on the Goblins for help. 'Say your right words', the Goblins said, 'and we'll take the baby to the Goblin City and you will be free'. But the girl knew that the King of the Goblins would take the baby forever and turn it in to a goblin. So the girl suffered in silence. Until on night she was hurt by the harsh words of her stepmother, and she could no longer stand. She said the words, and the Goblin King, Jareth came and took the babe. The young girl was racked with guilt for you see she never ment to actually call the Goblin King. He took the baby, no matter how much she begged and pleaded. He wouldn't give it back. So the two of them made a deal. She had 13 hours to get to the center of his Labyrinth, past the Goblin City and to his castle. With help from her friends Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus and his trusty stead, Ambrocious, helped her to the center of the Labyrinth. Once there she had a choice to make. The Goblin King offered her everything of his to the girl, he'd moved the stars and moon for her he professed his love to her, or she could take the babe and go home. She came to do what she sought out to do. She took back the child and returned home. Although she never stopped thinking about what could have been had she decided to stay in the Labyrinth with the Goblin King."

She looked over at Toby. He was fast asleep. She pulled the blankets over the child. She misses his forehead softly before turning on his nightlight and leaving the room, turning off the other lamps in the room. She went back to her bedroom and sat back down in the mirror.

"I miss my friends. I miss them so dearly." She signed thinking of Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus, and Ambrocious. "Who am I kidding? I need all my friends. Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus, I need you." She said closing her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw her friends' reflection in the mirror. She turned around with a huge smile on her face.

"Ludo miss Sarah." Ludo said.

"We missed you too, Sarah." Sir Didymus said for him and Ambrocious.

"Ain't nobody miss her like I did." Hoggle argued.

Sarah ran over to hug them all.

"How the Labyrinth been?" She asked.

They went on to explain how the Labyrinth was in the earliest stages of decay. The plants were dying and the ones that weren't were over growing. The Bog Of Eternal Stench was smelling worse every day (although Sir Didymus didn't mind).

"Such a magical place dying so fast." She said.

"It's a shame." Sir Didymus.

Sarah looked at her book on the nightstand again. I'm her peripheral vision she saw a white owl in the window. She got up and went to the window. As soon as she go to the window she was met with a storm of glitter. She took a step back.

When she opened her eyes Jareth was standing before her. Everyone in the room up straight. For they all still feared Jareth.

"W-why are you back?" Sarah asked.

"I've come for you. I need you to come back to the Labyrinth with me." He said.

"She ain't goin' no where with nobody." Hoggle said stepping between them.

"I've sworn to protect the maiden with my life." Sir Didymus agreed.

"Ludo protect Sarah."

Jareth rolled his eyes. He materialised a crystal, then threw it on the ground of the room. Within seconds everyone was fast a sleep. He picked up Sarah from the ground and materialised another crystal. This one had the destination of the Labyrinth.

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