Chapter Seventeen

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The rather unusual bunch came to a stop outside of the castle. They had no idea how to get in or even how to get Sarah out. Jareth surveyed the perimeter from the air looking for a way inside. Hoggle and Sir Didymus were looking for anything along the base of the castle, a loose brick or an secret entrance perhaps. They did that for about an hour until Ludo, heard a small noise.

Of course his curiosity got the better of him, he went on to look for the source. Ludo tried to find the sound, but instead he was greeted with a mop of brown hair poking out of a type of exit. Luck just looked at it peculiarly. He could surely tell that what ever it was needed help. He called for his friends the rocks to move out of the way. When he could finally make out the features of the creature that was trying to escape he saw...Sarah!

"SARAH!" Ludo yelled in a thunderous voice. He could have shaken the whole kingdom.

Everyone came to where Ludo was helping Sarah to her feet. When Jareth saw he mostly, untouched, he smiled bigger than he ever smiled before (that is if he's ever smiled before). Sarah was met with hugs from Sir Didymus, Hoggle, Ludo, and dog kisses from Ambrocious. Jareth however, couldn't find the perfect words for what has happened to her.

"I never ment for any of this to happen to you." Jareth said trying to read her face for any anger towards him.

"Jareth, it wasn't your fault. Although I only ever seen to be kidnapped of get someone I love kidnapped when I come to the Labyrinth." She said smiling.

"Then come one, we must hurry. We don't have a moment to spare the second Shavage knows your missing he'll come looking and kill us all." Jareth said grabbing Sarah's hand and starting to take her away from the place. Sarah almost blushed at the gesture.

They continued though a marshy area. Trying not to make much noise while they made there way out, but they had been cought the second Sarah had even thought about escape.

"Brother, honestly did you think it would be that easy?" Shavage's voice projected from all angles.

"Of course nothing with you Shavage is ever easy." Jareth retorted throwing out a simple luminescence spell.

Shavage stood before them. In all his glory, with black knee high leather boots red pants and a big heavy black overcoat.

Sarah instinctively stood behind Ludo and the boys. She watched as Shavage slowly approached the group.

"What every happened to the Great Army? Is this all you have brought to face me? I am disappointed in you, Jareth. You've made it much too easy." He scoffed.

Jareth placed both hands behind his back were he materialized a crystal.

"You'd be surprised with all I can do on my own." Jareth said confidently, just before throwing the crystal which turned into a snake. One of Jareth's favorite tricks, but this was no trick. Jareth had made a serpent with full intention of distracting Shavage so he could get Sarah to safety.

The snake landed across Shavage's neck. With the touch of his finger the snake stiffened and turned to wood. Jareth knew he would have to use something more powerful but he didn't to actually hurt his estranged brother in the process.

"Sarah, love, run. Get far from here. I don't want you getting hurt." He said eyes full of worry.

"I'm staying." She whispered.

"I'm staying too!" Hoggle yelled.

"Ludo stay."

"My trusty steed and I shall stay and protect the fair maiden!"

"How sweet, friends that die together are buried separately!" He yelled before making his attack.

The group dispersed and Jareth took Sarah and five out of the way. Sarah was in his arms and even his pale couldn't help but be a bit flushed, even at a time like this. She saw his face and recognized that look all too well.

"Jareth! This is hardly the time!" She screamed at him.

"I know and I'm sorry, love."

"Love?" She inquired.

"Like you said, now is not the time." He said with a blush playing at his cheeks, and a smile on his lips.

Jareth looked up from Sarah to find Shavage being attacked by Sir Didymus and Ludo attempting to smash him to a pulp. Shavage easily dodged Ludo's sluggish movements. Though Didymus' hitting his boot with his weapon was annoying and harder to avoid. He eminently kicked Didymus and Ambrocious meters away.

Jareth stood and used another crystal. He through it in Shavage's direction and instead of something deadly it exploded into glitter. Shavage was more than distracted by the glitter bomb. This gave Lisp the opening to hit him, but nothing is as it seems. Shavage, lazily cast out a spell that froze time. Everything had stopped except for Jareth, Sarah, and himself.

"Come on and face me Jareth. No more of your games."

"Oh, but why not you so enjoyed them when we were kids." Jareth said walking nearer to Shavage. He gestured for Sarah to go to a hiding place.

"Enough!" Shavage yelled before intruding He's mind.

He dug deep into his memories. The ones of people he loved long gone. Then Shavage continue this mental tourcher by showing him all the different ways he could kill Sarah with the snap of his fingers. Sarah watched from afar as Jareth saw screaming and scratching at his own mind.

"Stop! Stop it! Don't hurt him!" Sarah yelled.

"Dear, I am not hurting him he's hurting himself. He's a prisoner in his own mind." Shavage said.

"STOP!" Sarah screamed. A powerful burst of energy knocked Shavage right off his feet. All his concentration was gone, time started back up a Jareth regained control over his mind.

Jareth looked at Sarah with a confused expression as did everyone else. Shavage was on the ground and seemingly having a hard time getting back to his feet. Sarah walked over to him. Once he regained his balance for a split second she made a fist and punched him in his nose which knocked him back down.

She turned to the boys and said, "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that."

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