Chapter Ten

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Exhausted, Jareth fell out of the sky. Just before he hit the ground he turned back to his mortal form. At least he was in Shavage's kingdom. It was nothing like his own kingdom. The place was a forest and not as she and barren as the Labyrinth.

Hogwart, The dogs and the giant were no where to be seen. That ment they either were still back in the Labyrinth and Midway, or they had made it the kingdom and stayed to the west. Which was good. They understood his orders.

He laid there on the ground catching his breath and relaxing for the little bit of time he allowed for himself. Before he knew it he was drifting off to sleep.

He woke up in the Garden of Nyct. With Wraith standing behind him. All he could was smile then hug her tight. She looked as she did before the incident with her mother. Absolutely beautiful.

"Wealth you don't know how much I've missed you. I need you more then anything." Jareth said.

"You need the girl, your majesty. You will never be the same without her. You'll find her in the castle throne room, she's all right but you know how your brother is when it comes to changing his mind."

Jareth woke from his spot on the ground in the leaves. At least now he knew where to start.
Sarah was in a new castle when she woke up this time. She couldn't remember exactly what happened to her but she knew she had a different dress on. She was wearing a short light purple dress that exposed her stomach it had an open back too. Jareth would never make her wear something so, so-

"Light weight, timeless and flattering." Shavage intervened.

Now she remembered. That monster kidnapped her. She turned to see a young looking man with long black hair that was slicked back, a simply grey tunic, white trousers, with the same black boots and red cape. It was a definite contrast from the glitter, frills, and eyeshadow of Jareth.

"I was thinking more exotic and flirty." She said to him. Looking in the mirror again.

"Come along now child. There is work to be done." He started to walk along the halls.

They walked for what seemed like hours to Sarah. She has so many questions and things she wanted to say. She wanted to figure out a way to escape. She, more than anything, wanted Jareth to come for her.

"If you try to escape, you'll die. While you were sleeping I put a spell on you that prohibits you from leaving the castle. If you try you'll have an excruciating death carried out by your worst fear."  Shavage explained.

"What do you plan to do with me." She asked.

"I plan to keep you away from Jareth. I plan to make you miserable which will make him miserable. I plan to use your magic to keep him away." Shavage said.

"What magic? I don't feel very magical. I feel kidnapped." Sarah complained.

Shavage's eyes went red as he turned on his heels and slapped Sarah with such force that she fell over. Shavage bent down in front of where she landed in the floor. She had a bright red hand print from where he hit her.

"Don't ever talk back to me. Jareth may have let you say such things to him, but I am not as lenient. That is a fact. Now get up." He said as he stood up straight once again.

Sarah still dazed from being hit, stayed on the floor. She was too surprised. No one had ever hit her before not her father, not her mother, not Toby, not even her stepmother. The surprise is what hurt her the most. She just laid stunned on the floor.

"I said get up." Shavage reiterated.

Sarah stood up once again.

"Next time I say something so it. I don't like to repeat myself, Sarah." He said.

"I don't remember telling you my name." She said softly.

"You didn't, I'm telepathic. Be careful about what you say, even more so about what you think when I'm near."

They continued to walk the halls. He stopped in front a of a room with a marble floor and stone walls. Sarah knew it was his throne room. They walked up to the throne. Shavage sat and Sarah stood still in front of him.

"Sit and here please. While I take some precautions against you boyfriend." He said pointing to a small chair next to his throne.

Sarah wanted to scream that Jareth wasn't her boyfriend to Shavage. But she knew she'd get hit again. She silently sat down in he smaller chair next to him. He made a crystal out of thin air just like Jareth, inside of it was a snowy white owl. It was flying fast like a madman.

Or at least a man on a mission. Sarah though.

She had hopped for a knight in shining armor, but a knight in white feathers and glitter is even better.

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