Chapter Five

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"Sarah you really won't go will you?" Hoggle asked.

All the boys were in her room. Hoggle stood next to her as she looked herself up and down in the full length looking glass. Jareth didn't provide her with any normal clothes so all she had were dresses. She had on on that was a deep red.

"Hoggle I'm afraid I don't have much of a choice." Sarah responded.

"Well my lady of that is the way it must be, we will stand at the ready, should you need us of course. Right Ambrocious?" Sir Didymus said from where he was sitting on the bed.

Ambrocious met his statement with a happy bark.

"Sarah, careful." Ludo said.

"Of course Ludo, and everyone else please stop worrying about me. I'm sure I'll be fine. I defeated him once I'm sure if it really comes down to that I can do it again." Sarah explained while walking out of the door. "I promise I'll be fine and I'll be back the second the clock hits 13."

She walked out of the room and walked through the castle hopping to find the gardens soon so that her "date" with Jareth would go faster. When she finally found the right door Jareth was standing there, waiting. He was wearing leisure wear. Well as much as he could. Grey leggings and a frilled shirt and black books.

"Nice of you to join me Sarah." He said taking her hand and kissing it.

"I wouldn't have come if I wasn't being held hostage." She said yanking away her hand.

"Hostage is a strong word think of it as an extended stay." He said. "Please take a look around."

She walked around the gardens. There were lilies, roses, pansies, tulips, hydrangeas, daisies, lavender and sunflowers all growing in the same season. She walked along the flowers a while longer and found a patch of irises, blue like night, with a stone in the mist of it. The irises have grown over most of the stone but there was a portion where they all just seemed to stop. She took a closer look and saw it said "Wraith".

She was confused at the sight. She wondered who she was and why Jareth had buried her in the garden. She went back to Jareth who hadn't moved an inch.

"Who is Wraith?" She asked simply.

Jareth had a look in his eye as if his heart broke.

"She was one of my advisors, she was my best friend too. Not that I would ever tell her so. She was taken away all to soon." Jareth admitted.

Sarah was taken aback by how honest he was being. She had expected him to say that it was non of her business. Perhaps he was trying to make amends. She looked up at him shaking away her thoughts. She was still upset with him and she still needed answers.

"When you said I have more power then I know, what did you mean by that." She asked.

"I mean that you can do somethings even I can't do. I wish not to teach you what I know for fear that you'll use it against me, for now. Later when you feel more accustomed to your stay here I'll teach you." He said.

"What about that name you said last night? I think it was Salvage, Shave, Shelly-"

"Shavage. You mean. He and I have been at one another's necks since we were young. One of us always had to come out on top. When we inherited our kingdoms mine of goblins, and his of centars, our competition seemed to have gotten worse. Now since I'm alone with no head advisor or wife he has thought it the perfect opportunity to dethrone me, and take the Labyrinth for his own." He explained.

"But why chose me to be your wife? I'm sure that there are plenty of woman in other kingdoms who would swoon and be head over heels for you." Sarah responded.

"I can't. I simply can't. My heart still sings for you, and only you Sarah. You've been the only thought on my mind for years. I can't sleep, I can't eat all because of my infatuation with you." With that a bell wrung signaling that it was 13 o'clock.

She left abruptly not once looking back at the goblin king.

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