Chapter Seven

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She woke up. She couldn't figure out how she ended up in her bed. The last thing she remembered was-

Jareth! She thought. He put me to bed? Why would he do that?

She stood up and saw something shine from the sunlight. She headed over to investigate, upon closer inspection it was on of Jareth's crystals. She picked it up and saw Toby, he was still sleeping just as she left him.

Time speeds up in the Labyrinth, right. She said as she rolled her eyes.

That left her to wonder how long has she been at the Labyrinth in real time. Something she would have to ask Jareth next time they met. She picked up the crystal and looked at her baby half brother longingly. She really missed him. Who else could she play pretend with and have the same amount of wonder she did?

"My lady are you decent?" Sir Didymus' voice called from behind the door.

She hastily put the crystal in the drawer of the nightstand.

"Yes, I'm decent, you guys can come in!" She said.

All of her friends walked in. She was as always happy to see them. She was also excited for the time she would spend with Jareth. She wanted to know more. Her hunger for knowledge about the Labyrinth was unruly. She wanted to know everything and Jareth was the only one who could tell her what she wanted to know.

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