Chapter Nine

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"It's nice to know you remember my name." Shavage said.

"How could I forget about the man who messed up my eye!" Jareth said through clenched teeth.

"Awww, how is your eye by the way?" He asked while starting to circle the two.

All Jareth could do was clench his fists. He wanted to punch Shavage but was worried about the retaliation, especially with Sarah so near.

"My, my, my, what do we have here?" He said looking at Sarah. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. "Jareth I must say you do have excellent taste in women. She's beautiful."

Sarah tried to get away but no matter what she did his grip one her only seemed to get tighter.

"Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with this!" Jareth yelled.

"She must be very important to you. I can smell the magic on her. This only makes me want her more."

Sarah looked at Shavage with disgust. She bit him then stepped on his foot. She tried to run away. Jareth opened his arms for her. Before she could embrace Jareth she was stopped.

"Release her from the still spell of Nyct!" Jareth ran to her and tried to lift the spell of at least move her away from Shavage. She wouldn't budge an inch.

"Never. She's mine Jareth. I wanted the Labyrinth but she means more to you than that. I can see it all over your face." Shavage summoned a storm cloud under Sarah's immobile body and she flew out. Shavage did the same and left the goblin kingdom.

"Sarah! Shavage! No! Come back or I swear on Wraith's grave I'll kill you!" Jareth yelled before collapsing.

His love was gone, all consumed by rage. Not a second to waste. He had to travel to the centaur kingdom, go to the castle then kill Shavage. He had taken it too far this time. The Labyrinth dying he could handle, punching his eye he could handle, even his best friend Wraith's death, what he couldn't handle was his love, Sarah, being kidnapped!

He stood and turned to an owl. He was on his way out until he realized he could have help. He flew up to the rooms her friend would be in. They already had looks of worry on their face. She hadn't come back at the right time, and they heard the commotion downstairs.

"He's kidnapped Sarah! Hurry we must got to the Centaur Kingdom!" Hurry before we lose them!" Jareth yelled.

"C'mon what are we waitin' for! Let's find Sarah!" Hoggle yelled to everyone.

"Go west from the ground I'll head north by air that way we can cover more ground at the Centaur Kingdom." He explained. "Don't just stand there move!"

Her friends ran out of the castle through the Labyrinth. Jareth flew above it all. He found himself ahead of everyone else. It didn't help that he was flapping his wings furiously with anger.

"Don't worry Sarah I'm coming for you. That's a promise, my love."

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