Chapter Sixteen

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A faint yet familiar voice called out. Sarah couldn't see a thing in all the darkness that shrouded her.


The voice continued. Sarah looked around hoping that her eyesight would adjust to the darkness. It never did. She took steps forward and steps back, but she felt as if she wasn't moving at all.

"Sarah!" The voice yelled very loudly as everything went from total darkness to a garden. A beautiful garden full of golden forget-me-nots. The sky was of the clearest blues and a woman sat on the far side of the garden humming a smooth sad tune to herself. She had long black hair like a lake reflecting the night sky, and eyes as green as the forest. Sarah started towards the woman that seemed familiar.

"Sarah." She said happily with an almost smile. That was the voice that called out to her moments before.

"Who are you?" Sarah asked genuinely confused.

"That's right, I suppose you would remember. Well we don't have the time to catch up now. We have to hurry." She said as she stood.

She began to walk at a sudden fast pace that Sarah almost couldn't keep up with.

"Where are we going?" Sarah asked the woman.

"To find Jareth. He's been looking for you, you know." She said.

"You know Jareth?"

"Child, everyone knows Jareth. I was his right hand for quite some time. Well before I died anyway." She explained.

"Dose that mean-"

"No Sarah, you are not dead. This is a dream. I'm trying to help."

"Thank you." Sarah said almost silently.

"I'm not doing it for you, child. I'm doing it for him. He can't live without you. He's tried before but no matter what he bleeds for you." She explained once more.

Sarah kept her head down as they walked. The woman started to hum the sad tune again. She kept humming as all the forget-me-nots wilted away and they were in Shavage's castle. Sarah recognized the halls they walked down. They only stopped when they were in front of a small hatch.

"This is your way out." She pointed to the hatch. "Unappealing but it will get you out of the castle. I don't trust you to remember the way we came down here." She said as she stepped closer to Sarah. The woman put a hand on her forehead and said a few words that Sarah didn't understand. "Now find Jareth. Wake."

Everything around them started to face away. It took a moment for Sarah to notice but the woman started to face too. She didn't seem worried or concerned at all. She just started to hum that tune again.

"Wait! I still don't know your name!" Sarah shouted.

"Wraith!" She said before everything was gone.

Sarah woke with a gasp. She stood up and repeated the name over and over. She heard it before. It was like memories that didn't want to be opened.

"Wraith." She said once more.

She looked at her surroundings she was back in the room she was staying in. She seemed to be kidnapped by princes' and kings' more and now a days. She headed for the door of the room. She had to leave the castle and find Jareth.

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