Chapter Two

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Sarah woke with a start. She was in an unfamiliar place, in an unfamiliar bed. She threw the blankets off her and it revealed a long breath taking gown that was a pastel blue, she also had flowers in her hair. She stood up and almost toppled over. She was very dizzy.

"I see your awake." A calm voice said from across the room. It was Jareth.

He was wearing a black suit and knee high boots.

"What happened to my clothes?" She said looking at the dress again.

"You mean that awful shirt and jeans?" He said. "They are now swimming at the bottom of The Bog Of Eternal Stench!" He laughed.

"I have more questions and I want you to answer every last on of them, honestly. I don't want you lie to me." Sarah said.

"Please, join me for dinner. You can ask me all your questions then." He said extending a hand.

She looked at it as if it were the most disgusting thing in the Labyrinth. Sarah refused his hand. He gave her an understanding look. She wasn't ready to trust him yet. Something he hoped to change.

"I understand your skepticism." He nodded. " Please follow me."

He lead her down corridor after corridor. The castle its self was almost as confusing as the Labyrinth. Jareth often stopped short in his tracks and quickly changed direction. When he stopped one last time, they were in a room with a hearth of stone and a dining table. The fire in the hearth was blue, something Sarah had never seen before. Jareth pulled out one of the chairs for Sarah to sit.

She was hesitant at first. Then he looked at her with that one adoring blue eye, and she took a seat. He went to the other side of the table and took his own seat. A goblin came and made a place set for the both of them. Next came the food. Sarah didn't have much of an appetite, the last time she ate food in the Labyrinth she began to hallucinate and ended up in a dump.

"Where are my friends?" She asked.

"Somewhere in the Labyrinth." Jareth responded.

After that question there was a long silence.

"Why did you bring me here?" Sarah finally asked.

"The Labyrinth has started to rot. My enemy Shavage has threatened to take over. Quite frankly I am not strong enough to take care of the Labyrinth and keep Shavage away by myself." Jareth explained.

"What dose that have to do with me?" She asked.

"It has everything to do with you!" He said a little louder then he should have. "You have more power then you think. You were right, you were always right. I don't have any power you. Neither does anyone else. So I've brought you here to make you my wife." He finished.

"Wife!? Wife!? You think I would marry you!? Where do you even get the audacity to ask such a thing!?" Sarah screamed.

"There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I've already moved the stars and recorded time for you. Think of everything else I would do to keep you by my side!" Jareth yelled.

"I want to go home. Take me home." Sarah said as she stood up.

"No! Wait Sarah!" Jareth called.

His efforts were in vain, she was already gone.

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