Chapter Twelve

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He continued to walk for what seemed like hours. He was only powered by revenge and hatred at this point. He had to find Sarah. It was his fault she was in this mess. She never asked to be taken away from the human world. He stopped thinking about his guilt for a second. This was not the time not place for regret.

He kicked and fought everything in his path. He couldn't stand this place. This is exactly why he left this place. He created the Labyrinth from the ground up by himself. Perhaps that's why Shavage wanted it so badly. He wanted to take all that Jareth has worked for.

He can have the Labyrinth and all that comes with it, as long as I can have Sarah back. He thought.

Of course at this pace he would never reach the castle. He hadn't regained enough strength to fly again. He just wanted to reach the castle. This must have been how Sarah felt the first time she came to the Labyrinth. Lost, confused, and frustrated.

He marched on forward. He couldn't stop he could feel the magic of Shavage growing closer. He could smell his stink from miles away. He worried about Sarah's safety. He knew that Shavage could be rather violent when he lost his temper or things didn't go his way. With Sarah that was bound to happen sooner rather than later.

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