Chapter Three

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Jareth sat on the throne looking through one of his crystals. He was spying on Sarah. Her wanted to see how she would find her way back to her bedroom. After an hour of wrong turns and dead ends, she found her way. He knew she would, he had complete faith in her.

He wanted to give her a gift. To show that there was no ill intentions left in his heart. But what could be give her? He's turned the world upside down for her already, and that didn't go exactly as planned.  What did she care about more then anything in the Labyrinth?

Her friends. Hogwart, Lardo, and the dogs. He didn't even take the time to learn there names because they meant nothing to him. He snapped his fingers and instantly a few goblin guards came into his throne room. They may have been incompetent but it was the best he could do at the moment.

"Yes your highness?" The leader asked while taking a bow.

"Find them." He said while looking at Sarah's friends through his crystal.

"Yes sire." The leader said. "You look east, you look west, you look south, and I'll look north!" He called. Then they all dispersed throughout the Labyrinth.

Jareth still had Sarah on his mind. He didn't dare go visit her. She was still angry with him. If she didn't agree to at least have a civilized conversation with him the Labyrinth would surely parish with out a trace and he would die.

He chose to put the thought out of his mind and kept his faith in her.

There is no use sitting around and doing nothing he thought.

He stood up and walked near a window. He turned to an owl and went along with the search.

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