Chapter Four

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A tired white owl flew into her room. She stood back far from the bed which upon he landed. He wrestled with the blankets before finally turning into him self again.

There he was, a fearsome man- a goblin king no less, beaten by a few blankets. Sarah couldn't help but chuckle at him. Jareth look up at her. He couldn't understand why she was laughing. Then he looked at himself. His pale face turned crimson, he stood then collected himself once more.

"Come with me." He said coldly as if to regain his stature and respect of the room.

Sarah walked with him, her head, down.

"I have something for you." Jareth said halfway to the throne room.

"What ever it is I don't want it. I don't want anything from you." She said firmly.

"You'll want this." He affirmed.

He stopped short once again. Sarah was beginning to hate when he did that. She almost always tripped. He soon opened the huge black obsidean double doors to reveal all her friends standing behind them.

"Hoggle, Ludo, Sir Didymus, Abrocious!" She called running to them.

She embraced them all. She had missed them so much. It seemed like weeks since she last saw them. At least that's what it felt like when she was with Jareth.

"Sarah when you get the chance leave." Hoggle said.

"I don't know if I'll even be the chance." She said.

Jareth cleared his throat. Abruptly interrupting the happy reunion. Everyone turned to look at the King.

"I will happily agree to let them stay here to keep you company Sarah." He said.

"You will?" She didn't mean for it come out as a question.

"I will. Only if you are willing to give me an hour of time with you every day you're here. No more no less. If you don't I agree, well I'm sorry but, your friends will be locked in The Underground with all The Cleaners I can muster." He finished with a wicked smile.

"My lady, don't agree to his terms!" Sir, Didymus warned.

"He ain't nothing but a no good, low down dirty, liar." Hoggle swore.

"Make a decision Sarah." Jareth said.

She looked at the faces around the room. Everyone was awaiting her final say in the matter. She couldn't lead her friend to there death, she also couldn't stand Jareth. But did the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many?

"I agree." She said.

"Wonderful. You shall met me in the gardens at 12 o'clock." Jareth said smiling. He left the throne room shortly after.

"Sarah why?" Ludo asked.

"Because, Ludo, your my friend. I need you guys here with me. I can't just let Jareth have your heads." She explained.

"My lady, so you trust him?" Sir Didymus asked.

"No but I do have faith that he will respect my wishes." She said.

"I trust Sarah's judgement." Hoggle said.

"I agree." Said Sir Didymus.

"Ludo trust Sarah."

She hugged them all again.

"Thank you guys very much."

She walked out the doors to see Jareth with his back turned standing there.

"Follow me to your rooms." He said never turning his back.

He lead them around the castle, back to where Sarah's room was. This time instead of one door there was four. Sarah looked confused. Sensing her confusion Jareth said:

"Nothing is as it seems here. I thought you knew that by now."

Sarah walked into her room. When the boys tried to follow her she shooed them away. They went to claim their own respective rooms. Sarah waited until each of her friends found their right room. Jareth still stood in the hall.

"Good night, and remember not everything here is as it seems, Sarah. Not even me."

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