Chapter Eleven

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"Now that we know he's going to fly to the kingdom, we should make it a bit more challenging for him." Shavage said.

He lifted his hand over the top of the crystal where Jareth was flying. Dark clouds started to fill the crystal.

"A storm would be too easy to get through, don't you agree." He looked directly and Sarah now.

She wanted to scream no to him. She didn't want him to hurt Jareth. She wanted him to save her from this terrible place, and this terrible man.

"Sarah come here, look closely at the crystal." She obeyed him and she looked closer.

She saw an ominous mist close in on Jareth. He changed shape from owl to mortal and started to free fall. Sarah looked mortified as Jareth started to plummet to his death.

"No! Make it stop!" She cried.

"I'm sorry my dear, but that's just not my style." Shavage responded.

"Please! He'll die! STOP!" She screamed.

Jareth did stop falling, but it's not Shavage who stopped him. It was Sarah. Shavage looked up in astonishment of the sheer will and power of Sarah. After the daze he was in passed he stood and slapped Sarah to the ground again.

"What did I tell you about defying me!" He yelled.

His anger for the best of him. His face was turning red and his hair on his head was standing up. He regained his composure and slicked back his hair.

"You are powerful. Yet untrained, your emotions took control of your actions. You need a teacher. Come with me there is much work to be done."
Jareth was gasping for air, a most had rolled in with no warning and he couldn't breathe. He had changed to mortal form and started to fall out of the sky. But half way down he abruptly stop over half way down. When he resumed falling, he was only about 10 feet off the ground. No big damage was done, nothing that couldn't be fixed or could be healed.

He pulled his cape over his mouth and nose. He cast a spell to protect himself from the poisonous gas. He would stop at nothing to return his love to him. He never ment to bring her into harm. He just wanted to make her his. If she was her with him he would say something he ment to tell the first day she was back in the Labyrinth, such a simple phrase that would have ment the world to her. I'm sorry.

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