Chapter Fifteen

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"It's about time I ran into you incompetent, bumbling, idiots!" Jared shouted at Sarah's friends.

"B-b-b-but sire we've this place isn't like home we got lost too easily." Hoggle pleaded.

"Just stay by my side and don't get lost. I can't save Sarah alone. Come on now, hurry, hurry, the castle isn't far from here." Jareth explained.

They kept walking to the castle. It was a long silence filled only filled with foot steps and branches snapping when Ludo walked past a tree. Non of them wanted to speak. All anyone could think about was Sarah's well being. They didn't even want to think about what they were to do if they let her............parish, but non were as worried about Sarah as Jareth. He was the one that let her be cought in the first place. He kept replaying what happened in the castle in the Labyrinth the entire time he was in this horrible place. He thought about everything thing he could have done differently, but he always came back to the same conclusion.

He had failed his beloved Sarah.

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