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Newt walked over to me, holding two large cups in his hand. He sat down next to me, resting his back against the log. He handed me a glass of some brown looking liquid before he took a gulp of his own. He nodded for me to try it. I raised the glass to my lips and let the slimy liquid fall down my throat. I almost coughed it up as the bitter taste left my mouth.

"What the hell is that," I choked out to Newt. He laughed.

"Gally's secret recipe. He's keeper of the builders and a bit of a slinthead, but he makes good drinks," Newt laughed as he took another sip.

"I don't think we're drinking the same thing," I shook my head as I set my cup down, staring across the fire. I watched a boy eat his dinner. He was one of the boys that ran out of the maze. He was a runner. "Who is that?" I pointed to the boy.

"Oh, that's Minho. He's the keeper of the runners. C'mon, I'll introduce you," Newt stood up and held out his hand to me. The fire flickered against his face, making his square jaw look even sharper and adding an orange hue to his eyes. I grabbed his hand and brushed off my jeans as we walked over to the group of runners.

"Minho," Newt patted the runner on the shoulder. They seemed to be friends. "This is..."

"The girl," Minho smiled at me as he stood up. "I've heard a lot about you. Including the fact that you punched Aaron in the face. That shank deserved it, though," Minho shook his head. "I hope we can get to know each other," Minho winked at me.

"I will punch you, too," I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms. Minho let out a hearty laugh.

"I like 'er, Newtie," Minho smiled. "She tough." Newt nodded with a smile.

"Who else wants to go up against me?" I heard a voice holler from behind us.

"Let me guess, that's Gally?" I asked, staring at him. Newt and Minho nodded.

"He was a good guy up until a year ago when he got stung. Then he completely isolated himself from everyone," Minho told me. Newt sent him a glare, telling him that he said to much.

"What are they doing?" I asked as I watched Gally and another boy fight each other in a sanded circle. Gally threw the boy out of the circle as other boys hollered and slapped Gally on the back.

"Fighting," Newt replied, simply.

"Who's next?" He yelled. Before thinking, I yelled out.

"Me!" All eyes came upon my face.

"You can't," Newt muttered in my ear. I ignored him as I walked up to the circle, smiling at the yells and pats I got.

"This'll be easy," Gally muttered as I stepped into the circle. "C'mon Newt. You can't let your girlfriend fight me," Gally smirked at Newt, who just kept a straight face. Newt and Minho gathered behind me, along with many other boys. Gally crouched down, as did I. There was a moment of silence before he ran towards me.

I stepped aside just as he reached me, letting him run forward, but he didn't go out of the circle. He turned around in anger, as we were now on the opposite sides of where we started. We ran at each other and Gally grabbed my shoulders, pushing me backwards. He gave me one final push as an attempt to throw me out, but the boys behind me grabbed my back and threw me back into the circle.

"C'mon Gally, you can do better than that," I mocked him. He flared his nostrils as he lunged toward me. I ran at him, mustering up all of my power and knocking my shoulder against him. He stumbled backwards, falling into the sandy ground of the circle. He pounded his fist in the ground once before jumping up and running at me.

I tried to swerve away from him, but he grabbed my shoulders and hit me in the head. I fell to the ground, hitting my head.

Carina. A voice seemed to whisper in my head. Your name is Carina. I rolled up to my feet as Gally ran back at me. At the very last second when he was about to push me out of the circle, I ducked under his legs and watched as he ran out of the circle.

Before I knew what was happening, Newt and Minho were by my sides, lifting my arms in the air in victory.

"Newt! Newt!" I yelled at him with a smile. "My name is Carina!"

"Carina!" Newt hollered out, creating a chant between the group. Even Gally chanted my name. I smiled as Minho and Newt hoisted me onto their shoulders as they screamed my name. Carina.

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