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There was a bonfire a week later. I was messing around with Minho and some of the Runners, laughing along at their jokes as I sipped at Gally's secrets recipe. Surprisingly, it had grown on me and I looked forward to having it at bonfires. Minho made sarcastic remarks as usual as the rest of the Runners and I laughed along. I liked most of the Runners, especially Ben. He was one of the nicest guys in the whole Glade. I was just happy that someone didn't stare at me as most of the Gladers did for once. I had caught pretty much every Glader except Ben, Newt, Minho, and Alby staring at me. I even caught Gally throwing a few glances my way. It made me uncomfortable, but Alby promised me he was slowly making progress with the Shanks. He had made it very clear I was off limits, unless they had my consent.

Minho and I had quickly become close. I'd call him one of my best friends, behind Newt. Minho was like a brother to me and I was like a sister to him.

Newt and I had also gotten much closer in the three week period since I came up in the box. He was my best friend and always made me smile, even just by looking at me.

Through the past week, I had noticed him sit a little closer when eating and hug me a little tighter when we were sleeping, but I was by no means complaining. His touch and his smile seemed to be the only things that calmed me, especially after the nightmares I've been having lately.

I saw Newt sit down, leaning against a log, and facing the fire. I said I'd talk later to Ben and Minho as I went to sit next to Newt. Taking a swig of Gally's secret recipe, I sat down on the dirt next to Newt, close enough that our shoulders and arms were pressed against each other. Newt smiled at me as I sat down. He took a sip of his own drink which was also Gally's secret recipe, before sparking up a conversation.

"Whatcha doin' with those bloody shanks?" Newt nodded towards the group of Runners I had just come from.

"Oh, I asked if any of them wanted to be my boyfriend and they all agreed so now I have like ten boyfriends. I'm even engaged to Minho," I smiled at Newt. Newt almost spat out his drink as he was mid sip. I laughed as he started to cough due to choking on the drink. He looked at me, wide eyed and confused. "I'm kidding Newt," I smiled at him.

"Bloody hell, Carina," Newt tried to make me feel guilty, but he couldn't hide his smile. I laughed even harder.

"Did you really believe me?" I asked him.

"No," he also started to laugh. "It just sounded weird coming from your bloody mouth. Especially about Minho." I smirked before hollering for Minho. He jogged over to the two of us, crouching down in front of me.

"What's up, Carina?" He asked with a smile.

"We're engaged," I smiled.

"Newt finally proposed?" He made an excited face. I laughed, watching as Newt's face turned red out of the corner of my eye.

"No, not Newt and I. You and I," I laughed.

"Sorry, Car. I can't steal my best friend's girl," Minho shook his head, standing up with a laugh.

"I hate that nickname!" I yelled at his back as he strutted away.

"But you love me!" He yelled back with a laugh. I rolled my eyes with a shake of my head.

Soon, the amount of Gladers thinned and everyone headed to bed, except Newt and I. We laughed and joked for hours. Things quieting down as the last Glader left to sleep, leaving Newt and I alone. I swayed my head side to side, humming to myself, which seemed to spark an idea in Newt's mind.

"Wanna dance?" He asked, just barely above a whisper. I wasn't sure if his voice was so low because he didn't want to wake the Gladers or if he was nervous to ask me.

"But there isn't any music," I smiled at him. He stood up, holding his hand out in front of me.

"So what?" He shrugged. I let out a small giggle before taking his hand, letting him help me up off the ground. He led me over to the grass, giving us a nicely sized dance floor.

"I've never danced before. At least, not that I can remember," I whispered to him as if it was the biggest secret in the world.

"Neither have I. I didn't except you to say yes so I haven't thought this far ahead," he whispered back with a smile. I laughed at his joke, which I wasn't completely sure was meant to be a joke. He helped me know where to place my hands as he lifted my right hand to his shoulder and put my left and in his right hand.

"I'm going to say sorry in advance if I step on your foot," I told him. He shrugged.

"Me too," Newt told me as he placed his left hand on my waist before leading me into a simple step. I soon fell into the rhythm of the two step dance, smiling and giggling as I did the dance without stumbling or crushing Newt's toes. He then made it more complicated, letting me twirl and spin out and back into his grasp. We danced across the Glade and under the stars, the dim fire creating a shadow of our moving bodies that were so close, they looked like one.

By the end of the night, I had ended up falling asleep, my head resting on Newt's shoulder as we watched the fire die out. I felt Newt pick me up as he carried my almost asleep body.

As we entered our room, he laid me on the bed before crawling into bed next to me, covering both of our bodies with the sheets.

"Goodnight Carina," he mumbled before lightly touching his lips to my cheek. He must've thought I was asleep at that moment and I hadn't felt the kiss. But lucky for me, I did.

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