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Later that night, I walked into Newt and I's room to see him sitting on the bed, his head in his hands with his shoulders slumped.

"Newt?" I asked, concerned as to why he was in that position.

"Yeah?" He mumbled from under his hands.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, sitting down on the bed next to him. He let out a long sigh, his shoulders moving up and down with his breathing. He lifted his head from his hands, rubbing his eyes. He wasn't crying, but he looked tired and distraught.

"I'm sorry, Carina," he looked at me.

"What for?" I wove my eyebrows together in confusion.

"I should've gone into the woods with you," he breathed out. "I knew it was a bad idea for you to go alone. What if you hadn't escaped his hold and ran out of the woods? What if you had been screaming and nobody heard you? What if he-" Newt sighed, not wanting to finish that sentence. I knew what he was going to say. What if he raped you?

"Well, we'll never know because I did escape, you did hear me, and he didn't. And I have you to thank for that," I gave him a half smile. Newt stood up, running his hands through his hair which I noticed he did whenever he had anxiety. "Newt, why is this tearing you up?" I asked, watching him pace from my place on the bed. He glanced at me before continuing to pace.

"Its just, you're a Glader and...my friend. I don't want you to get hurt. And when you do, I put that on myself as the second in command," he told me. I sighed, standing up and grabbing Newt's shoulders to stop him from pacing. I forced him to look me in the eye as I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I don't need you to protect me. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself," I told him before releasing his shoulders.

"I know, I know, but it's my job to worry about what happens in the glade," he watched me as I sat back down on the bed.

"Leave the worrying to Alby," I smiled at him. He gave me a small smile back, sitting down next to me on the bed. We sat there for a moment of silence until I broke it by asking a question that had been nagging me ever since I got to the Glade. "Why are we here?"

"What?" Newt looked at me.

"Why are we in the Glade? Who put us here? Why can't we remember anything? I've been patient, expecting people to answer my questions without me having to ask them, but nobody has said anything." I glared at the floor in frustration, looking at Newt. He sighed, fidgeting with his fingers.

"That's because nobody knows. The only people that know anything are those who went through the changing and they're so traumatized after it that they don't wanna talk," Newt shrugged. Minho had told me about the Changing. That's what they called what happened to you when you got stung by a Griever. As Minho put it, it's painful as hell and you go crazy for a few days but you get some of your memories back. And if people are too traumatized to talk about it afterwards, the memories must be more like nightmares.

"How do we get out?" I stared at Newt. He looked back at me, seeming a little annoyed that I asked that question.

"Don't you think we would be outta here if we knew?" He narrowed his eyes at me. I closed my eyes with a sigh before opening them again.

"What about a latter? Or climbing the ivy! Or the box-"

"We've tried it. We've tried all of it. Nothing you think of will get us outta here," Newt stood up and rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. "The only way out is the maze. If there's a way out at all," he mumbled the last part.

I stared at the floor in anger. I wasn't angry at Newt, but I was angry at how easily he had given up. There's a way out. Why else would be be here? I will find a way out.

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