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Alby granted me the job of showing the Greenie around with Newt, after much begging from Newt and I. This forced Minho to run the Maze by himself for the day. Minho pouted and moaned, but I slapped him on the arm and he got over it.

I, on the other hand, was excited to show the green bean around with Newt. I wasn't sure if it was because I got to befriend the new kid or if I got to spend the day with Newt. I think it was both, but hanging out with Newt was definitely exciting.

Newt had just gotten done explaining each job when all three of us went on top of the watch tower, which was my favorite spot in the whole glade. I loved looking over the people in the glade as they worked. It was so peaceful.

Suddenly, this peacefulness was ended by Gally screaming down below by the maze walls. He started screaming at a young slopper that I learned was name Evan. Without thinking, I ran down from the tower, ignoring Newt's yells for me to come back. I sprinted towards the two boys who were now on the verge of punching each other.

"Gally!" I screamed, sprinting and jumping in the middle of the two arguing Gladers. "What the hell is going on?"

"This shank thinks he knows more about building than me!" Gally yelled.

"And this asshole can't keep his temper under control!" Evan yelled, his face turning red.

"Seriously? What is wrong with you two shuckfaces?" I yelled as I pushed them away from each other.

"Evan, you're a slopper, not a builder, and Gally is the keeper of the builders! He knows more about building than anyone. And why the hell do you care if he knows more?" I yelled at him before turning to Gally. "And Gally, get your shucking head out of your ass! You are a keeper! Gladers are supposed to look up to you! So stop acting like a shucking child and act your age!" I screamed at him before pushing past the two boys and stomping back to Newt and the newbie. Next had a smirk on his face while the Greenie looked scared. I shrugged as I walked past them, heading over to the gardens.


I had sat down with my back resting against the log next to the bonfire that was celebrating the Newbie's arrival. Newt had finished talking to the new kid, probably forcing him to mingle with other people, before he walked over to me and sat down by my side. Almost by reflex, I placed my head on his shoulder, leaning my side on his as I closed my eyes.

"Tired?" Newt turned his head to look at me.

"Shh," I placed my finger to his lips. "I'm trying to sleep."

"I guess that's a yes then," Newt chuckled. I nodded slightly.

"Working is hard," I mumbled as I snuggled closer to him. He snorted with a laugh.

"You didn't even run today," he reminded me. I peeled open my eyes to glare at him, staring up at his eyes that were staring down into mine.

"I had to stop Gally from almost beating up some kid. You know how much energy that takes?" I raised my eyebrow at him. He laughed, looking away from me and at the bonfire. There was a moment of silence between us causing a question to pop up in my head. What do I look like? I know I have brown hair, but that's about it. I finally gathered up enough courage to break the comfortable silence and ask my question. "Newt, what do I look like?" Newt turned his head to look down at me in surprise.

"What?" He wove his eyebrows together.

"What do I look like?" I asked again.

"Uh...well you have brown hair," he then stopped.

"And...?" I asked once he didn't continue. He laughed in slight breath embarrassment.

"Your skin is a little bit tanner. You're skinny, but muscular, and I think about average height," Newt spoke as his eyes trailed over my face and body. "You're lips...are naturally a pink color and you have a square jaw." Newt looked at the bonfire, not knowing what else to say.

"What about my eyes?" I asked him.

"You're really eager to know everything, aren't you?" Newt shook his head with a small laugh. I nodded. "Your eyes are brown," he smiled as he continued to stare at the fire.

"What kind of brown?"

"Chocolate brown, normally, but every once in a while they change color. Sometimes they're so dark that they look black. But my favorite is when there are tiny flex's of green mixed into your eyes and they almost look hazel colored," he told me.

I smiled, noticing that fact that he was able to give specific detail about my eyes straight from memory as he never looked away from the fire.

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