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There are accounts of attempted rape in this chapter. If this at all makes you uncomfortable, do not read

"Yay!" I jumped up and down. "Newt and I get to work together." Newt rolled his eyes with a smile, dragging me over to the gardens. For the past week, I have been doing every job there is. Building sucked. Gally is an idiot who won't even let me pick up a hammer. I hated slicing. I'm fine with killing something when it deserves it and is with a bow and arrow, preferably, so that I don't feel the blade going into the animal. I didn't like being a med-jack. Apparently, that day some guys would purposely hurt themselves just so that they'd be sent to me, which Alby said is a problem. Being a Bagger also was horrible. I didn't mind digging the holes, but throwing the dead bodies in was not pleasant. The only jobs I haven't done is being a Runner and a Track-Hoe, the second one I'm doing today. It doesn't sound like the most exciting job, but at least I get to spend the day with Newt.

Zart handed me a hatchet and told me to hack at a tree that was starting to grow to close to the garden. It took a few hours to hack the tree down and dig up the roots, but I got it done and threw the wood into the unlit bonfire. Zart then handed me a bucket, telling me to go dig up some dirt to use as soil. I shrugged and headed into the woods, starting to dig.

I was almost done digging up the soil when I heard a twig snap as footsteps came towards me. "I'm almost done," I said, thinking that it was Newt. No reply. I turned around, brushing my hands on my jeans as I tried to find the source of the noise. After a moment, I saw a Glader I didn't recognize step out of the shadows of the trees. I let out a sigh of relief, glad that it wasn't some animal I didn't know lived in the glade. I smiled at him, suddenly becoming nervous when he didn't react.

"What's your name?" I asked him. He didn't answer, but just smirked.

"Carina," he breathed out. "The only girl in the glade," he took a step towards me. "I don't remember the last time I saw a girl," he threw a wicked smile at me that made my stomach twist in knots. I dropped the bucket of soil as he started walking towards me.

"You're scaring me," I told him, warning him to stop.

"There's no need to be scared, little girl," he smiled, wickedly, at me.

Turning, I ran back towards the center of the glade. The faster I pushed myself, the closer I could hear his footsteps behind me. I could see Newt and the gardens through the tree line as I was tackled to the ground by the boy. He dragged me back behind the tree line into the woods. He had flipped me over onto my backs and was dragging me into the woods by my right leg, his nails digging into my skin. I kicked against his hold with my other foot, but it was to no use. He was stronger than me as he had the body of a builder.

He soon stopped dragging my leg and jumped on top of me, making me scream out. He covered my mouth with his hand, using the older hand to pull up my shirt. I wiggled around under his hold, a tear escaping my eye and rolling down my cheek.

"Stop screaming," he mumbled in anger as he tried to figure out a way to get my shirt off of my thrashing body with only one hand. He eventually became to annoyed by trying to take off my shirt, so he simply ripped it down the middle. Mentally, I let out a tiny sigh in relief that I had decided to wear a tank top under my shirt that day incase it got to hot in the gardens. The boy took his hand off of my mouth and shifted his legs so that my wrists were free. I took this moment to punch him in the nose, crawling out from under his body. I jumped up and ran, running faster as I heard the boy get back up and continue running after me. I broke through the tree line.

"Help!" I screamed till my throat hurt. "Help! Newt!" I attracted the entire attention of the glade by my screaming, causing everyone to come running towards me. Newt came running to me and he almost made it before I was tackled again. I screamed as the boy slapped me across the face, pining me down with his legs. I squeezed my eyes closed as I prepared for the worst, but suddenly felt his body thrown off of me. I opened my eyes to see Newt on top of the builder, punching him in the nose repeatedly. Many Gladers ran over, getting Newt off of the builder and holding the builder down. Newt walked over to me, picking me up off the ground and helping me stand on my feet.

"Are you okay?" He asked, holding me by my shoulders. I nodded not so convincingly, wiping away my dry tears. Newt pulled me in a hug, holding my head. I wrapped my arms around his torso, my body shaking as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "It's okay," he whispered in my ear. "You're safe."

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