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"Newt!" I heard a male voice yell followed by hard knocking on the door. I was too tired to think about who it was, much less open my eyes. Newt groaned and hugged me tighter. "Fine! I'm coming in!" The door slammed open. "Eeep!" A high pitched noise echoed through the room.

"Bloody hell, Minho-" I heard Newt mumble as he sat up. I groaned too and sat up, watching as Minho looked back and forth between Newt and I. I didn't realize why he was so surprised until Newt and I looked at each other, realizing our bodies were tangled together in the bed. As quick as a flash, I hopped off the bed and stood to the side, biting my lip awkwardly. Newt looked up at me with a laugh before dragging his hand over his face in attempt to wake himself up. "What's up Minho?"

"Well...Alby is asking for you and Carina, but if you two are busy-"

"No, we're coming," I told Minho as I walked over to the wooden box and grabbed jeans and a black t-shirt.

"Mhm," Minho smirked. I looked up at him with a glare and waved my hand, telling him to leave. He nodded, obeying and leaving the room.

"Well that was interesting," Newt mumbled as he got up. I just nodded in agreement.

"Where are the women's bathrooms?" I asked him. I had noticed the guys had their own, but I didn't see another.

"There isn't one..." Newt rubbed the back of his neck. I groaned. I forgot there wasn't any other girls in this damn place.

"So where am I supposed to shower?"


I walked out of the shower, feeling much cleaner. I knocked on the door from the inside to let Newt know he could move. He opened the door for me with a smile. I thanked him for guarding the door as Newt took my dirty clothes and gave them to a Slopper who would clean them for me.

"C'mon. We gotta go see Alby," Newt waves for me to follow him.

We found Alby outside the homestead, talking to Gally while motioning to the homestead. He probably wants something built.

"Hey Alby," Newt ran up and patted him on the shoulder. As Newt ran up to Alby, I watched as he limped on one of his legs. Curious as to why he was limping, I made a mental note about it but brushed it off at the moment.

"Hey Newt. Hey Carina," Alby nodded at me. I flashed him a smile. "You're gonna be starting with Frypan today. He's the keeper of the cooks. Newt told you where the kitchens are, right?"

"Yep," I nodded. Alby nodded in return, motioning for me to get to work. I walked over to the kitchen, flashing Newt a nervous smile. He gave me a thumbs up before turning and talking with Alby.

I made my way to the kitchens and found Frypan, who looked like he was only eighteen at most. He was already working away, chopping tomatoes.

"Carina!" He smiled at me as I walked in. "If it isn't the famous girl around the glade. Heard you beat Gally lastnight."

"It's true. I did," I smiled. He laughed heartily before turned and continuing to chop up tomatoes. "We're making omelets for breakfast, so you can start with the eggs," he nodded to a carton of eggs. I grabbed a few eggs and started cracking them over a couple of skillets.

Frypan helped me by telling me when the omelets were done and when to put them on a plate. After enough omelets were made, I helped Frypan put the tomatoes and basil on the omelets. The last part of the breakfast was handing the plates to the hungry Gladers, many of which stared at and lingered around me a little longer than necessary.


By dinner time, my hands were tired of chopping and my head hurt from the constant smell of garlic and pepper. Once everyone had their food, I grabbed myself my own plate of a grilled cheese sandwich and sat down next to Newt at a table with Minho, Alby, Clint, Jeff, and a few other Gladers. I ran my hands over my face before taking a bite of the sandwich, feeling the eyes of Newt and Minho on me.

"Have fun today?" Minho asked me. I shrugged.

"Wasn't the best, wasn't the worst. I don't think cooking is for me, though," I sighed. Newt nodded. "How was running?" I asked Minho, excitedly. He shrugged, taking a bite of his food.

"Same old, same old," he sighed. I nodded, looking over at the opened doors of the maze. I stared into the long corridor that split at the end, leading off to somewhere else. I watched as the doors closed for the night, cutting off my view into the maze, which only made me even more curious.

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