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Keleii Waters

" Bitchhh yall had sex didn't yall ", Ari asked loudly. " Now you know i don't kiss and tell ", Trina said while smiling.

" Its either yall did or yall didn't ", i said. Trina shifted a little on my bed. " Alright we had sex ", she told us. " I knew it ! ", Ari said while she shook her head in disappointment.

" I know yall said that i should stop fucking with him after he cheated but every time i try he finds a way to lure me back in ", Trina said. Ari sucked her teeth. " Girl byee. All he gotta do is pull out his weewee and you'll be crawling back to him ", she said.

Trina scrunched her nose up at her. " What you tryna say hoe ", she questioned Ari. Ari waved her off. " We're just tired of this nigga keep playing you and you're too blind to see it ", i said.

Trina stood up trying to play what i said off. " Yall wanna walk to the park ? Cause a bitch bored ", she asked us. " Why not ", Ari said. We both got up then all of us made our way downstairs. We got outside seeing a bunch of kids riding bikes and stuff.

" All these bad ass kids ", Trina said as she covered her eyes blocking the sun. Ari and i started laughing as we started walking to the park.

Ari and Trina are my best bitches. Been since the sixth grade. They were the only two to start talking to me when i first move here in Texas. Even though i like it here, i really miss Florida where my whole family is.

My mom, my step dad, and i moved here by ourselves. My step dad had his job moved here so here we are. Im also the only child so that why im so attached to my parents and my friends.

I never met my biological dad. But if he didn't want to be in my life then why should i care about him for ? Clearly he didn't care about me or otherwise he would've been in my life.

My mom always would tell me that i looked just like my father. So when i look in the mirror i picture my dad looking just like me, except a man form. But i would never know what he actually looks like because again, i never met him.

" Damn look at all of them over there ", Ari said. We all looked over at the basketball court where a bunch of dudes was playing basketball.

" Right, i might just find me a boo today ", Trina said. Ari started laughing. " It looks like your "boo" already over there ", Ari told her. We walked closer to get a better look.

" What the fuck, he told me he was watching his brother ", Trina said getting pissed. She left our side and walked over to the court. We started trailing along behind her.

" M I K E Y ! ", Trina yelled out. Him and including the others, looked over at us. He sucked his teeth then shook his head. Once we got in front of Mikey, Trina started yelling again.

" What the fuck is this ", she questioned him as she motioned her hand towards the guys. He sucked his teeth. " What chu talkin bout mane ", Mikey asked. Trina crossed her arms.

Im not gonna lie, Michael is one fine Mexican. He had dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes. He was tall too. He had the right kind of built too. He always had a gold bottom grill in his mouth. You could tell he from the south cause he had that southern accent. He also had studs on each ear.

" You know what the fuck im talking about Michael, act stupid with me again ", she said. He pulled up his pants then he walked up on her. " You betta calm that shit down talkin to me ", he responded. Trina rolled her eyes. " Whatever Mikey, you said you was watching Eli but you out here with your friends and shit ", she said.

" Yo you better get your bitch mane ", this dude said. I never knew what his name was but he's always with Michael and them.

He was a caramel color. He wasn't really tall either but he's tall enough i guess. He had a black hoodie on with some balmain jeans. He also had jordans on his feet that he kept checking once in a while. He was standing around counting a big stack of money. He seems kind of standoff ish though.

" How about you shut the fuck up Tay. You always influencing him to do dumb shit thats why i don't like your ass ", Trina said. He adjusted his chain that kept swinging everytime he moved. " I don't like your alien face looking ass either ", Tay said which made the other guys laugh.

" I know you aint talking with that big ass head of yours. When you sleep you dont even be having dreams you be having tv marathons ", Trina clapped back causing them to laugh.

" Mane i know you ain't tryna get. Sage you better get her before i cook her ugly ass ", Tay said to Mikey. " Ard chill out mane ", he said to Tay as he started pulling Trina to the side.

The other dudes went back to either rolling dice, smoking weed, or playing ball. While Tay went back to counting money. Ari and i was standing off to the side leaning against the fence waiting for Trina.

" Its hot as hell. I wish Trina would hurry her ass up ", Ari said, blocking the sun from her eyes. I nodded in agreement while i looked around.

I felt like i was being looked at. I turned around slightly to see if i was or not. That dude Tay was glancing at me. Once he saw me looking at him, he looked back down at his hands.

" Keleii girl ", Ari said interrupting me. I turned to face her. " What ", I asked. She shifted her weight to one leg. " You didn't hear anything i said ", she questioned. " Nah what did you say ", i asked her. Ari sucked her teeth. " Nevermind, im about to leave her ass because look ", she said motioning her head towards Trina and Mikey.

They were all hugged up and everything. I shook my head. " They are a trip. She did all that for nothing ", i said. " Exactly, you wanna get something to eat ", Ari asked. I nodded my head. " Lets get some pizza ", she said. We started walking away down the street.

I turned around towards the basketball court. Tay was now playing ball with the other guys. I don't know but something about him has me curious if that makes sense. But its not like im gonna see him again anyways which im fine with.

I turned back around continuing to walk.


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