Chapter five

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So tonight is the night of the double date and im already dreading on going. I dont even know who my date looks like which made me nervous. On edge even.

I basically dragged myself in the bathroom and begun showering and brushing my teeth. So now im doing my hair and makeup before i put my dress on. I decided to do light makeup because i didn't want to over do it. After i set my face, i parted my hair in the middle and straighten it.

Once i was done i threw on the dress i bought from the mall. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my block-heeled heels. After i put them on i went over to the bed and grabbed my phone and my Gucci chain-strapped shoulder purse. Kayla bought this purse for me for my birthday last year. I didnt bother on asking her how she could afford it because its none of my business.

Anyway, i walked downstairs to meet Kayla chilling on the sofa with her boyfriend Kelz. Kelz is nothing but trouble in my eyes. He's an inspiring rapper if that makes sense. The only thing thats good about his songs are the beats. He's also a drug dealer. Not really a surprise since thats all who Kayla dates.

" Aye ok you look good sis ", Kayla said. She put her phone down and gave her full attention to me. Including Kelz.

" Thanks "

" Where you about to go ", Kayla asked.

" Out with some friends ", i responded. She nodded her head.

" Well do you need the car ", she asked me. I shook my head no.

" They're supposed to pick me up ", i responded to her.

Kelz kept eyeing me which was making me really uncomfortable. I kept looking outside to see if Mya's out there or not. She finally pulled up and i thanked the heavens above. " Alright im leaving now ", i told Kayla.

" Well have fun and don't be out too late ", she said. I walked outside and then to Mya's car. It was only her inside which made me sigh of relief. I got in and put my seatbelt on. She smiled at me.

" Bitchh you look bomb, you ready ", she asked me. I nodded my head. Then she pulled off.


We finally pulled up at Olive Garden. If anything fails tonight at least ima have some good food.

We both got out of the car. We walked inside and was greeted with the hostess at the front. She led us to the table that was already waiting for us.

" Hey baby ", Mya's boyfriend Orlando said. He stood up then they kissed and hugged each other. He looked over at me and smiled. " Wassup Keleii ", he said. I waved in response.

" Well Keleii this is Eric. Eric this is Keleii ", Orlando said, introducing me to his friend. Eric came over and we shook each other's hand. " Hey nice to meet you ", he said.

" Nice to meet you too ", i responded. He looked me over then smirked. " You look beautiful ", he said. I smiled small. " Thank you ", i replied.

We all sat down at the table as the waiter came with the menus.

" Hi welcome to Olive Garden. Here are your menus. I will be back with your breadsticks shortly ", he said. We all nodded then he walked away. Then we started looking at the menu.

I already knew what i wanted so i put the menu down. Eric looked over at me then smiled.

" You already know what you want to order "

" Yeah, do you ? "

" I uhh.. I don't know i never been here before ", he said with a smile. I looked at him in shock.

" You really haven't ate here before ? ", i asked him. He shook his head no.

" Well my first time here i decided to try their chicken Alfredo. The worst for numerous reasons ", i started off saying then we laughed. " But the second time i came here i ended up ordering the tour of Italy. Ive been ordering it every since ", i told him. He nodded with a smile. " Well the tour of Italy it is then ", he said.

After we ordered and ate our food, we sat for a while and talked. Eric is a really nice guy. He's really handsome too. Ive always had a thing for darkskins so it wasn't a surprise that i found him cute.

I found out that he's 21 and he's a sophomore in college. He is majoring in business. He was also telling me how he wanted to start a business of his own one day.

We walked out of the restaurant. He told me that he wanted to see me again so we exchanged numbers. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Once me and Mya got inside the car she turned to me while starting the car.

" Sooo you two were hitting it off pretty good ", she said referring to Eric and I.

" Yeah he's really nice "

" I bet you're glad that you came ", she sung out. I shook my head.

" You really didn't give me a choice "

" So are you gonna see him again ", she asked.

" I dont know, i mean we exchanged numbers and all but i dont know ", i responded. She nodded her head.

" Well Eric is a great guy and you're a bright girl. Yall would be perfect for each other ", she said.

" I guess but i don't really see myself with him though "

" I dont see why. I mean have you seen what he looks like "

" Its not always about the looks Mya "

" The hell if it isnt ", she said then we both laughed. We both talked the whole way to my house.


I walked through the front door then i closed and locked it. I didn't feel like turning on the light so i kept walking to the kitchen.

I turned on the kitchen light and put my food in the microwave. As soon as i shut the microwave door i felt a pair of hands on my waist. I shrieked and turned around to see who it was.

" Ssssh ", Kelz said as he put his hand on my mouth. I smacked his hand away.

" What the fuck are you doing ", i questioned him. He ignored me as he started kissing on my neck. I pushed hin off of me.

" Stop what the fuck is wrong with you "

" What you mean ? I saw the way you was looking at me earlier ", he said then i laughed.

" I was most definitely not looking at your ass "

" Its ok i know you was. I knew you wanted me ", he said. He started to look me over with a smirk. " You looking good and shit ", he said. He gripped my ass then i smacked his hand away.

" You better leave me alone Kelz before i call Kayla "

" And tell her what ? We aint done nothing...yet ", he said then he winked at me.

I went to walk away until he grabbed my arm.

" Get off of me "

" Nah where you-"

" I said get off of me ", i said as i slapped him in the face. He let me go and i made my way upstairs.

I didn't bother going into Kayla's room so i went into my room. I locked the door so nobody would come in. I felt dirty so i went in the bathroom to take a shower.

I stood there letting the hot water fall on me as i cried. After my shower i threw some clothes on and got into bed. I was about to go to sleep until my phone went off. I checked my phone to see that Trina sent me a text.

Trizzy💎 - Girrrrl guess who wanna talk to you


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