chapter twenty

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While i was on my way to the party i get a text from my pops telling me to come back to the building. I waited until i stopped at a red light to respond to him. I knew i couldn't get out of not going so when the light turned green I made a u-turn heading over that way. I get another text. I glanced at the phone tryna see what my dad had said back to me. But it wasn't even him, it was Raina. I fixed my eyes back onto the road.

When i finally got back to the building where the dinner was being held at. Stepping out, i closed the car door. Hitting the button on my keys, i locked the car doors. I begin walking up the long gravel road until i reached the double doors. I walked inside heading towards the opposite way from where i took Keleii earlier.

" I don't care it needs to be done now ", i heard pops yell out. I shook my head and walked into the conference room. I looked around at the table seeing Tre, Santana, Mikey and a couple of the newer guys that was brought on. Along with my other niggas Rock and Fade. They the ones that helped us rob that rich white man a while back ago.  " Aye wassup Tay ", Santana said out loud. Causing everyone to look at me. " About time you got here, sit down i wanna talk to you about something ", Dad said. I closed the door and walked over to Santana and them. Dapping them up and shit. " Now as i was saying- ", My dad said.

" Pssh, You heard what your pops about to get us doing ", Mikey asked me. I shook my head. " Man he want us to go out to Cali ", Fade said. " What fo' ", i asked. " So we can take out this nigga name Jewelz cause apparently  he's a snake in the grass ", Rock replied. " I don't know about yall but i need to get away from the H for a little bit ", Santana said. He leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head.

" Me too, yall know cali got them fine ass bitches too ", Fade said. The rest of us looked away except for Rock. Fade looked at us crazy like. " Fuck wrong wit yall ", he asked us. Santana sucked his teeth. " Nigga you tryna get me killed out here ? ", he said. " Man if Trina find out i was even thinking about cheating, she'll  chop my dick off ", Mikey said.

" You needa leave that crazy bitch ", Rock said. " She most things but she not crazy ", Mikey said. Santana sucked his teeth and said " Nigga Trina crazy as hell ". We all started laughing. " Yeah anyway, you know im with Keleii and i can't be on whatever you tryna be on either ", i told Fade. He sucked his teeth and waved me off. " Well how is that going ", Rock asked me.

" Its going really good bro, i think i really like her ", I replied. Santana snickered and said " I think i really like her ". Mocking me and shit. Then all of them started laughing. I sucked my teeth and said " Fuck yall ". " Tay shut up. Damn you always getting sensitive ", Santana said. " Yeah like a little bitch ", Fade chimed in. " Man yall chill out damn ", Mikey told them. They both looked at each other then back at Mikey. " Nigga you chill out ", they both said. " And shut the fuck up ", Santana said. " Yeah worry about getting your ass kicked by your girl every night ", Fade chimed in. They both started laughing.

" Anyway ", i said catching their attention. " I think im gonna tell her about what i do. I feel like i can trust her ", i said. Rock nodded his head. " I think you should ", he said. " Nigga i think you should not ", Fade said. Then he laughed. " Why not, i told Trina that i sell drugs and shit ", Mikey said. I sat up in the chair i was sitting in and looked at him. " How she take it ? ", i asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders and said " She aint really cared to be honest, she kinda figured anyway ". Fade sucked his teeth. " How she figured ", he questioned mikey. " Cause she know i aint finished high school, so i hadda be doing something to be getting all this money ", Mikey responded. Fade shook his head. " Well after this im gonna tell Keys ", i told them. Rock and Mikey nodded their heads. " Well good luck, hopefully she dont leave your ass ", Fade said. Santana waved him off. " You got this bro, dont pay this lonely nigga no mind ", he said.

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