chapter nineteen

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" Im so nervous ", Keleii said as she shifted a little in the passenger seat. I looked over at her then back at the road. " Why you nervous for ", i asked her. I felt her give me a look like what i asked was crazy.

" How can i not be ? This is the first time im meeting your parents bae. This is a big deal to me ", she responded. " Yall girls take this stuff too seriously ", i said. She crossed her arms while looking at me. " So im not the first girl to meet them ", Keleii questioned. I let out a deep breath. " Keleii don't start that shit up ", i told her.

" Ok and i asked a simple question that needs a yes or a no answer so how am i starting up ", She responded. " Because you are ", i said. " Whatever Tay ", Keleii replied. I slid my hand down my face. " You really wanna know ", i asked her. She shrugged her shoulders as she stared at me.

" This girl who was my first, had met my parents after the first month of us being together ", i told her. Keleii nodded her head without saying anything. " We don't talk no more if that's what you're thinking, that shit been dead ", i said. Keleii shifted in her seat.

" So, if you don't mind me asking, what happened ", she asked. I shrugged my shoulders and said " Long story short she cheated on me and ending up getting pregnant. She came knocking at my door trying say that the baby was mine but i won't falling for that shit. We hadn't had sex for a week when she cheated on me, after she realized im not no dummy she moved outta houston and i haven't talked to her since ", i explained. Keleii looked down at her hands. " Damn Tay, thats fucked up ", she said as she looked at me.

" Yeah i know, that's why i never wanted to get into another relationship-", i said while i parked the car. Keleii looked at me with a confused look. "-Until i met you baby, we here ", i continued. She looked around then she looked at me. " You're so corny for that ", Keleii said. Causing me to laugh a little. " But that was sweet ", She said. She turned her lips into a pout while she leaned over. I got closer and kissed her. " You ready ", i asked her. Keleii nodded her head while she unbuckled her seatbelt. I did the same and got out going over to the passenger side. I opened up the door and grabbed Keleii's hand helping her out.

She looked at the scenery around us. " How did you're parents find this place all out here ", she asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and said " Lets go in ". We walked towards the vacant building that the dinner was being held in. My parents along with the rest of us always come here to handle business and etc. We come way out here so we wont get caught up. I wanted to tell Keleii all of this. About what my family and I do. But i don't want her to run off because of my job.

Keleii do question me alot about my job and i gotta tell her some bullshit lie. I know sooner or later i gotta tell her the truth, but not right now.

We finally walked through the front glass door and i led the way down the hall. As soon as we entered the big ass room the dinner was being held in, everybody stopped and greeted me.

" Hey there goes my other son and he finally wearing a suit ", Pops said. He walked up with my mama and Tre. When they got to us they all stared at Keleii. " Well who is this pretty girl here ", mama asked. " Everybody this is Keleii-", I said but Tre interrupted me. " So who is she to you ", he asked smartly. I looked over at Keleii, she smiled at me letting she was ok. I looked back at them. " She's my girl ", i said. Mama went and hugged Keleii. " Oh well its nice to meet you hun ", she said. " Nice to meet all of you too ", Keleii responded.

Tre rolled his eyes and walked away. What the fuck is this nigga's problem ? I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked over and saw pops. " Come and let me talk to you real quick Taymor ", He said. I nodded my head. I grabbed Keleii's arm then she looked at me. " Pops wanna talk to me real quick, you gonna be aight ", i asked her. Keleii nodded her head then i walked off with pops.

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