chapter twenty nine

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two days later


" Yeah ma i dont know- "

" Im still looking for her- "

" I gotta go "

I got off the phone with mama. Ive been talking to her since five o clock this morning after i did my usual hygiene stuff and its now eight in the morning. I couldn't sleep knowing my sister's been missing for a week now. Her phone's here and everything so im confused as to what's going on. I can't stop crying, i can't eat, im just stressing out about her. Wondering if she's hurt or if she's crying begging for help. I just feel hopeless.

I was about to pour me another glass of vodka when the doorbell started to ring. I hurried up and open the front door.

" Damn you're not excited to see me ", Monica said as she walked in. I went back inside the kitchen. " Sorry girl i thought you was Keke ", i responded.

" Damn she still missing ",

" Yes she still missing "

" For real ? I thought she would've turned up by now "

" Mo why you here ", i questioned her. She gave me a look then stood up from the table. " Fine ill just leave ", she said. " Good you're not helping me with nothing anyway ", i replied. She grabbed her things and left.

After i downed the drink, there was a knock at the door. I got up and ran to open it. " Keleii- ", i said. " Wassup ", it was Tyree. I opened the door wider for him to walk in.

" Damn girl you looking rough ", he said. I looked at him and crossed my arms. " Tyree why are you here ", i questioned him. He put his hands up in surrender. " Look i aint coming here to get on your bad side i gotta tell you something ", he said. I looked at him waiting for him to say something. He grabbed my hand and brought me to the couch.

" I know Keleii and- ", Tyree said. I snatched my hand away from his. " How you know my sister ", i asked him. " Look calm down aight? I know her because she go wit my brother ", he responded. I gave him a look. " Who your brother ", i asked. " Tay ", he said.
I do remember Keleii mentioning a Tay before. " So let me guess, your brother got my sister ", i questioned him. Tyree shook his head no. " So where is she ", i semi yelled. " I guess we got beef with another gang that go by the LDS and we think they got her ", Tyree said. I just sat there not knowing what to say. First he didn't tell me he already knew Keleii, then the fact that they're brothers just ugh and then they got my sister involved in some shit that don't got nothing to do with her.

" So what are yall waiting for? When she's already dead ? "

" We already got a plan and we're gonna get her back today ", he responded. I ran my hand through my hair. " Tyree I can't- ", i said lowly. He pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his chest and cried. He kissed me on ny head twice. He was about to say something when the doorbell rung. " No you stay right there, i got it ", he told me. He pulled out his gun and swung open the door.


I looked over and it was Keleii's little friends at the door. " Ty what the fuck ", Ari said. " Yeah put that away ", Trina chimed in.

" What the fuck yall want "

" Ok first of all this our best friends house, what the hell you doing here ", Trina said. I got up and walked over to them. " Don't worry about why im here, ET ", he told her. " Keep talking shit, i fight boys ", Trina said.

" Thats what girls who can't fight always say ", Tyree said. They continued to go back and forth until i stopped them. " Can yall just tell me what yall doing here please ", i asked the girls. " we came over here to tell you that my boyfriend told me where Keke is but i guess Ty already told you ", Ari said. I nodded my head. " Then we're supposed to bring you with us ", Trina said.

" Well where yall taking me ", i questioned them. Tyree turned me to him. " Its ok love you're gon be with me ", he told me. I nodded my head still looking at him. " Aight i guess its ok ", i said. One of them cleared their throat, breaking our staring session.

" I see why he over here now ", Ari told Trina. " Lets just hurry up and go ", i said ignoring them. Tyree took my hand and walked with me outside to his car. He helped me inside and closed the door. When he got in, i grabbed his arm catching his attention.

" I never told you this but im 23 and if you knew my sister then you're probably around the same age as her so i- "

" Kayla you think i care about your age ? Yeah im 19 but im feeling you so i don't care "

" You dont ? "

" Nah, it might be different for me cause i ain't never messed with somebody older then me but im up for a challenge "

I nodded my head then smiled nervously. " Ok, if you're cool with it then i am too ", i told him. He leaned over and we gave each other a kiss. " Aight lets go ", he said. He started up the car and drove off.



" Make sure all the guns loaded "

" Stop playing around Rock damn "

" Yall niggas always play too much "

" We gon leave you ass here "

" Aight my bad ima chill "

I got up from where everybody was at and walked outside. I sat on the porch steps as Trina and them pulled up with Tyree behind them. The girls got out and walked up to me.

" Santana and Mikey still in there ", Trina asked me. I gave her a look like she was stupid or something. She sucked her teeth and pushed my head away while walking up the steps with Ari.

I looked over at Tyree getting out with a some girl. I stood up and walked over automatically thinking it was Keleii's sister.

" Wassup Tay, this is Keleii's sister Kayla ", He said while smiling at her. She was about to shake my hand until i pulled her in for a hug. She returned it then we pulled away.

" Sorry you had to meet me under these circumstances ", i told her.

" Oh its fine, she wanted me to you anyway. She told me a lot about you ", she said laughing lightly. " I hope it wasn't nothing bad ", i replied. " Well... But no, she really loves and cares about you so ", Kayla told me. I smiled thinking about my baby girl.

" Well i just wanna tell you that you're family too so whatever you need we got you ", i told her. She smiled and nodded her head. " I appreciate it thank you ", she said. Then she looked over at Tyree. He looked at her while he licked his bottom lip. I looked between them and shook my head.

" Well lets go inside then ", i said. We all walked inside the trap. I looked back at them two holding hands while Kayla looked around. I turned back around and walked up to where everybody else was at.

" We got everything set up now all we needa do is get there and get lil sis back ", Santana said.

" What else you need us to do before we leave bro ", Fade asked.

" Nothing now, we'll wait until it gets dark out so we can do what we gotta do ", i told them.

" girls ima need yall to stay here or at home ", i continued.

" Come on Tay i want in too ", Trina said then Ari nodded agreeing.

" No it's too dangerous for yall ", i said. Santana looked at me and said " Nah Tay, i might got something that they can do ". I nodded my head. They went back to talking then Kayla walked up to me.

" Hey i want in on it too, ive dated a drug dealer before so i know the ropes "

" You sure you wanna do this ? "

" Im serious as a heart attack, they took my sister so they finna pay ", Kayla responded. I nodded my head and led her over to the side. I gave her a .38 and made sure it was loaded. She looked at me then took it. " Thank you ", she said. I nodded my head.

" Ayo yall come here i gotta tell yall something ", Santana yelled out. We both walked over to  everybody so we can hear what he gotta say.


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