Chapter Two

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" Alright im leaving ", i yelled out so Mali could hear me.

He peeked his head outside his office then gave me a thumbs up. I said goodbye to Mya before i left and got inside my car.

Its been a long day and i couldn't just wait to go to bed. I started driving heading home. Once i got home, i parked the car in the driveway. I got out and walked up to the front door. I walked inside to see Kayla laying on the sofa looking at her phone.

" Finally ", She said as she got up. I rolled my eyes. " Kayla not right now. I've had a long day ", i told her. She sucked her teeth. " Ew don't be catching a attitude with me ", she replied.

I gave her the keys then walked upstairs. Not long after i heard the front door open and shut. I sat my stuff in my room and grabbed my towel and bath stuff.

I walked out of my room then into the bathroom to take a nice long shower. After 20 minutes i got out of the shower then walked back into my room. I dried off then i put my undergarments on. I went and grabbed a big oversized shirt then i put that on.

My phone started to ring so i went over to see who it was. I picked up when i noticed it was Ari.

" Hello ",


" Damn Ari my ear drums ",

" Oh shit my bad girl ",

I rolled my eyes while she giggled.

" Anyways you wanna go to this party with me and Trina "

" I don't know about that... "

" Aw come on Keleii. I don't wanna go by myself "

" But i thought you said Trina was going "

" She is but she's going be up under Mikey ass the whole night and i don't wanna be alone there "

I sat there for a second thinking about should i go or not. I took a deep breath.

" When does it start ?"

" At 9 so get dressed bitchhh "

Ari hunged up without me getting another word in. I looked at the time on my phone to see that it was 8:10. I took a long sigh as i stood up heading to my closet.

I decided to wear my light colored denim ripped high waisted shorts that stops above my knees. My tube top that says "Rockstar" across it. After i got dressed i threw on my rihanna fenty creepers.

I walked over to the vanity mirror i have in my room and started doing my eyebrows. After that i put on some eyeliner, eyelashes, highlighter, and some lip gloss. Then i started doing my hair. I decided to wear my hair down but i parted it on the side. Since i cut my hair in a bob, there's really not that much i can do to it.

My phone started ringing so i checked it.

" Yes Ari "

" Im outside "

" Just come in im not quite ready yet "

" Ugggh ok fine "

I hung up the phone then went back to my hair. I started doing my edges when my bedroom door opened. Ari walked up behind me and started running her fingers through my hair.

" You look cute bitchh ", she said. I smiled small. " Thanks ", i responded. " I need you to do my edges after you finish girl ", Ari said while flipping her braids over her shoulder. I turned slightly to look at Ari.

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