Chapter eighteen

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This is the dress Keleii is going to wear in this chapter 🌹 sorry if its blurry i got it off Google 😭

A month later


I got out of the car and walked into the restaurant called shakers. The hostess in the front walked over to me.

" Hi welcome to Shakers would you like a booth or a table ", she asked me. I didn't bother making eye contact with her. " Yeah im meeting somebody ", i told her. I glanced at her and watched her go get a menu.

" Alright, can i have a name please ", she asked me. I waved her off and said " Nah i got it, thank you tho ". I walked away heading towards the table i saw who the person i was meeting was sitting at.

When i got to the table i sat down. " Wassup youngin, you came to your senses yet ", dude said. I dapped him up and then i sat back down. " Im not gonna lie, Ive been doing some thinking and im really intrigued about this plan you got ", i responded.

Dude took a sip of his drink then nodded his head. " So, you in or not ", he asked me. I leaned back in my seat. " Im in but remind me what i gotta do again ", i asked him. He smirked while he rubbed his hands together. " Now we're talking, Aight so i want you to get in good graces with the Keleii bitch, make her turn against Tay. I got somebody else who's gonna distract him too. Then Im gonna handle the rest ", he told me.

" What if she dont turn against him? They like dating dating so how that gon work ", i questioned. Dude shrugged his shoulders. " Then kill her, she's not gonna do anything but be in my way ", he said. I was about to say something until this girl cut me off. " Hey baby ", the hispanic  girl said. She wrapped her arms around him. They kissed and then she sat beside him.

" Ok so this is my beautiful Raina ", he told me. She extended her hand out and said " Hey what's your name ". I shook her hand and said " Deon ". She nodded her head. I looked over at dude. " So what she gotta do with this ", i asked. " Well she's gonna distract Tay for me. Make him turn against everybody he loves ", he said. I nodded my head. " You're gonna do the same with Keleii ", he told me again.

He started talking again but i felt somebody looking at me. I glanced over and saw Raina staring at me. She was biting her lip as she looked my way. I knew what she wanted just by the look on her face.

" Ay did y'all hear me just now ", he said. Raina jumped a little in her seat. I slowly sat up straight in my seat. " Yeah i heard you but run it again one more time so i can have it locked in my brain ", i said. Then he started telling us the entire plan. Everything that's gonna take place after turning the two against each other.

Once we were done with the meeting, i walked outside to my car. After i got in somebody opened the passenger side and got in. I looked over at Raina putting her purse down on the floor. " What you doing in my car girl ", i questioned. She leaned in closer to me. " I wanna fuck so whats up ", Raina said. She bit her lip as she look at me.

" You wanna what ", i questioned her with a smirk. She sucked her teeth. " You heard what i said ", Raina responded. I shook my head. " Aint you wit dude ", i asked her. She shook her head. " Hell nah, im only wit him for the money ", she said. I gave her a look. " Look a bitch gotta get paid okurrrrt ", she continued. Doing all that extra lip smacking and hand moves.

I sat and thought about it for a minute. I gave her a look. And nodded my head towards the back. Raina followed my eyes and then immediately started shaking her head. " Nuh uh boy if we're gonna do this at least take me to yo crib or something ", she said. I looked at her and then laughed. " My crib ? ", i questioned her. " Why cant we do it back there ", i asked. She crossed her arms. " Cause im not a hoe dummy ", Raina said.

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