Chapter Eight

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" Rice or Naan bread ", i asked a customer. It was currently 5pm and i couldn't be anymore happier because i get off in two hours.

" Bitch i did not even say that "

I looked up to see Prince being all loud like always, walking in with Shyla. They started laughing like something was funny. I rolled my eyes at their presence.

" Ma'am ", the consumer said snapping me back to the task at hand.

" Im so sorry, what did you say again ", i asked the woman. She rolled her eyes. " You know what ? Forget it ", she said. She snatched her purse off the counter and walked off. The next thing i heard was Prince laughing hysterically. I looked over at him with a stank face.

" What the fuck is so funny ", i questioned him.

" That you lost a costumer ", he responded smartly.

" What is your problem ", i asked him. He shrugged his shoulders. " Maybe because i don't like you or that mop headed bitch thats slaving in the back ", he said calmly.

Shyla shook her head. Yeah she better keep quiet because i wont hesitate to drag her too. Plus she work in the kitchen too so.

" Prince you gon stop speaking on Mya when she around and the only reason why you don't work in the kitchen anymore because you kept stealing the food ", i said. He recently got the cashier position with me a week ago. He sarcastically laughed loudly.

" Yeah to keep it from your broke ass ", he replied. Mali came walking in from the back. " I got food in my house what about you ", i said. Its true though. Kayla came back with a ton of groceries last night while i was sleep.

" Alright thats enough. Get back to work ", Mali said with his Indian accent on heavy. Prince started looking around and then back on his phone. " I would if there were customers  ", he said lowly but loud enough for me to hear it.

" What was that Prince ", Mali asked him. Prince flipped his invisible hair. " Nothing ", he said. Mali nodded then walked into the back. " Yeah it better have been nothing ", he yelled out. Then we heard the door shut.

" I can't wait until i don't have to work this weak ass job slaving for his old ass anymore ", Prince said. Shyla and i looked over at him. " What are you gonna do after this job ", i asked him. " Well bitch i got a sugar daddy and he a snowflake so you know he paid ", he responded.

" So he automatically gives you money ", Shyla asked. I looked at her like what the fuck. I pick up my soda and started drinking it. " Yes bitch all i gotta do is suck his white cock and he'll get me anything i want ", Prince said. Making me spit out my drink.

" Im just kidding Keleii relax ", he said. I wiped off my mouth then i put my soda down. " All i have to do is ask him and he'll give it to me. Although he's been tryna hit for the longest but i told no sex strictly checks ", Prince said. Me and Shyla nodded our heads.

" Well im gonna go to the back best friend ", Shyla said. " Okay bitch i love youu ", Prince responded. I rolled my eyes. One and a half hours left. 6:30 cant come fast enough.


Once i got off work i went home. I decided to shower and change clothes before i go to Trina's house. Ari couldn't come because she went out with Santana.

" bruh mickey ass getting on my nerves ", Trina said. She was making us some margaritas while i sat on one of the stools. Trina lives by herself in a two bedroom apartment. She went to sign the lease sometime last year because she didn't want to live with her mom anymore. For numerous reasons.

One of them is because she kept sneaking Michael into the house when the mom won't there. Her mom found out because of Trina's little sister. So she gave Trina a choice to stop seeing him or leave.So Trina left and got her own place with the help of Micheal. Anything she wants he gets her.

" What happened ", i asked her. " I went into his phone and found out he's been cheating on me with some bitch ", Trina responded. Its not really a surprise since he's always cheating on her. But for some reason she dont wanna leave him.

" Who the bitch ", i asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

" I dont knowa. Some hoe name Shyla ", she said. I looked at her. I hoped its not the one at my job.

" Im telling you if i see the bitch im fighting her and i don't gave two fucks. I had every mind to call up the bitch ", Trina said. 

She walked to the dish rack and pulled two cups out. Then she rinsed them out and filled them up. She handed me one then kept the other one for herself.

" Thanks. So why not just leave him ", i asked her. She shrugged her shoulders. " Dick too bomb ", she responded.

There was a knock at the door. Trina walked to open the door with her cup still in her hand. I heard loud talking going on so i got up to see what was going on.

" You need to leave "

" You aint even tryna hear me out ", Michael said.

" I don't wanna hear anything you gotta say. Get the hell out of my house "

" You mean the house i helped pay for "

" The lease in my name therefore get the fuck outta MY house "

" Aight ill leave and go fuck on a bitch-"

As soon as he said that, she threw her drink in his face. I stood there in shock with my hand on my mouth.

" GET OUT ", Trina yelled out while she pushed him out the door so now they're on the porch. I was mad because she wasted perfectly good crushed ice on him. Thats the best kind of ice.

" You fucking disrespectful bruh. Dont be surprised when my sister come and beat yo ass ", Michael said.

" Nigga i don't give a fuck. Call her hoe ass ", Trina responded.

They continued to argue causing a scene. I looked over and saw Tay sitting in his car. He was looking on his phone unbothered by the scene thats occurring.

I walked over to the car and cleared my throat. He looked up at me with a smile. " Hey Keleii ", he said. I returned the smile. " Hey Tay ", i replied with a wave.

" What you doing over here "

" Chilling with Trina. That is until Mikey came "

I nodded my head in their direction. We both looked at them still arguing.

Trina lived in a apartment where there's two in one building. So her neighbor came out from next door. She was a old lady, probably in her early fifties. She was brownskin with a black short haircut. She started to yell at them.

" Yall better get gone before i call the cops and have them take yall asses outta here "

I felt Tay tapped my arm which made me turn around. " Yeah ", i said.

" Come ride with me ", he said with a smile. I raised my eyebrows at him.

" Where we going "

" Get in and you'll see "

He started up the car. I looked back at Trina. Now they was arguing with the neighbor. I shook my head.

" Alright ", i said then i opened the door and got in.


I swear Prince be having me weakkk 😭

But yes i will update tomorrow, thanks for reading guys ❤

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