chapter twenty six

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                        TAY 😈

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                        TAY 😈


We pulled up to this house after we collected everybody. So we're just sitting here and frankly i want to hurry up and get this over with. Im eager to see what Tay gonna have me do. I laid my head against the window while the guys talked about the plan. All i know is that they were supposed to take out this dude for Tay's dad.

" Yall got it ? ", Tay asked all of us. We nodded our heads then he started to get out. All of us begin to follow him out of the car. I caught up to Tay and i grabbed his hand. We walked until we got to the door. Tay and I stayed on the porch while the others went around the house. Eventually the door opened and a man appeared.

" Can I help you ? ", he asked us smartly. I noticed he had some kind of accent.

" I was wondering if we could borrow your phone ", Tay said. I looked behind the man to see Mikey and them walking through the house with their guns out.

" For ", the man questioned us.

" Me and my boyfriend having car trouble and we need to call for help ", i told him. He looked at us before letting us in. " Yeah come follow me ", he said. He led us to the kitchen then he pointed at the house phone. Who still uses a house phone ?

" There, use that to call for- "

The man started to say but we heard screams coming from upstairs. He looked up then at us. He tried to pulled his gun out but Tay was a step ahead of him. " I wouldn't do that if i was you ", Tay said. " Ahh fuck ", the man said loudly.

An hour later

" What we gonna do Tay ? This nigga not telling us shit ", Tyree said. I rolled my eyes then i took a seat on the couch.

We were back at the house and the guys brought the dude and the two girls he had in the house with him. I was starting to get a headache from all the constant yelling they were doing and the crying the girls were doing.

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