chapter twenty two

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Hey guys i just to let yall know that Keleii and Tyree are the same age making them 19, Tay is 20 and Kayla is 23. Also Tre, the oldest one is 24. Ok lets get on with the story ✨

Same night


" You sure about this boss ", one of the men that had came with me asked. I sat up straight in the seat of the black escalade trunk that we were in.

" Just pull up and do what i said ", i responded. I puffed on the cigar i had in my mouth. Exhaling the smoke i watched as my driver drove the car down the street. I looked down at my phone to see what Raina had texted me. I shook my head and dialed her number.

" Hello "

" What do you mean you can't get to him "

" I meant that he wont return my calls nor texts- "

" I put alot of time and patience into you and im running out of both "

" Wh-what do you mean "

" You and Devin is wasting my time. Neither of you are holding your end and im- "

" Just give me a couple days, ill have him all over me by then "

" You have 24 hours or its over for you "

I clicked the hang up button and i put my phone inside my pocket. I looked out of the window to see that we finally pulled up at the house . I looked at my four men that was prepared for my demand.

" You ready boss ? "

I looked out the window and nodded my head. They got out of the car while i stayed inside with the driver.



" California ? ", Keleii questioned. I stood up and threw my bottoms on. Then I walked to the bathroom. When i turned around to shut the door, Keleii held it from shutting.

" what you doing, im tryna piss ", i said. She rolled her eyes and closed the door.

" Tomorrow, Tay really ? "

" I dont know why you getting upset for but you needa calm down "

" Calm down ? How else im supposed to react to my man leaving to go to a whole nother state "

After i flushed the toilet and washed my hands i opened the door. Keleii was standing there with her arms cross. She had on my shirt which looked big on her. Her hair was kind of messy like. She looks beautiful.

" um hello ", Keleii said. I looked at her and smiled. " You so sexy ", i replied. She looked away blushing. " Tay this is serious ", she whined.

I walked over to the closet and begin grabbing clothes. " What are you doing now ", Keleii asked. I took out my duffle bag off the top shelf. " Packing for tomorrow ", i responded.

While i was putting the clothes in the bag, she came and hugged me from behind. Then she laid her head against my back. " When are you coming back home ", Keleii asked. I stopped what i was doing and stood there. " I promise ill come back sooner ", i responded. There's really no telling how long this trip is going to take. That's why i can't tell her specifically. She started planting kisses on the skin of my back.  " What am i supposed to do while you're gone ", she asked.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around her. " You can stay here ", i responded. She sucked her teeth. " This house is too big for just me to be in ", Keleii replied. I nodded my head. " Why dont you bring Ari over ", i suggested.

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