Chapter ten

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After we ate our food Tay begin playing the game while i sat on his lap.

" Hey do you mind if i stay here for the night ", i asked him. I was extremely tired and i didn't feel like going all the way home. He nodded his head. " Yeah you can stay ill just sleep on the couch ", Tay said.

" You can sleep in here with me ", i told him. He looked at me with a smirk. " But don't try anything funny ", i said then i stood up.

" I can't promise you that ", he said with his eyes still glued to the tv. I sucked my teeth. He started laughing. " Im just fucking with you Keleii ", he said.
" Mhm ", i responded. I walked towards the bathroom. " Is it ok if i take a shower ", i asked him.

" Yeah everything is in the bathroom closet ", he told me. " Ok thanks. Do you have a shirt or something i can wear ", i asked him. He nodded as he got up. He went into his drawer and pulled out a shirt and handed it to me. I thanked him then I grabbed everything i needed and begin my shower. After i was done i went into my mini bookbag and pulled out my undergarments and put them on.

I was supposed to spend the night over at Trina's but that quickly got cancelled. As far as Kayla know she think im over at Trina's. So i don't gotta worry about that. Anyway i threw on the shirt which fit really big on me. I walked out into the room to see Tay laying down sleep.

I got to the bed and laid down beside him. He pulled me closer to him. Which surprised me.

" I thought you were sleep ", i said with a laugh. He ignored me as he went back to sleep. I laid there looking at all his facial features. I leaned and kissed him on the lips.

When i pulled away a smirk formed on his face. " What was that for ", he said. His eyes still closed. I snuggled more into him ignoring him.

" Goodnight Tay "

" Goodnight Keleii "



" Alright thats it ", i said as i stood up straight.

" W-where you going baby "

I threw my hand up while i walked away. I started counting my money that i just received the beginning half of the night. I walked in the dressing room and saw my girl Monica getting herself ready.

" Hey Kaykay what's wrong with you ", she asked me.

" Nothing just focusing on making more money tonight "

" I know thats right girll. I know i keep saying this but kashdoll could be your twin ", she said. Its true though. I really do resemble kashdoll to the T. " Yeah yeah yeah ", i said. " You going back out there ? ", she asked. I nodded my head. " Yeah let me fix myself up first ", i responded. " Alright girll ", Monica said then she walked out.

As you can tell, your girl is a stripper. I started stripping at The Ritz when i was 16 because times was hard. Because of that my mom basically stopped fucking with me. She kicked me out of the house and everything. I saved up money to buy the three bedroom house i got and my Black G wagon i be riding in.

I was all set but i felt like something was missing. My mom. All of these nice things i have and i couldn't even share it with my mother. I can't lie and say that it doesn't hurt because it does. When i turned 19 my little sister Keleii wanted to stay with me and she's been living with me for four years now. Of course my mother had a problem with that because Keke was only 16 when she moved in with me. Its just sad that my mom is acting petty but i couldn't dwell on it because tonight i was focusing on getting money.

I walked out of the dressing room and into the main part of the club. Keleii still doesn't know that i strip and i wanted to keep it that way. Mainly because i didn't want her following in my foot steps. As much cash i be bringing home she doesn't need to worry about working. But like always she wants to be independent and get her own money. I couldn't knock her for that.

" Hey some dude want you to come over where he's at ", our boss Killa said. Killa is really fine. He's probably 6'1, brownskin with waves in his hair. He is three years older then me which makes him 26. His real name is Rondall but everyone knows him but Killa. We messed around a long time ago but we just went our separate ways.

After he pointed to where he was at i begin to walk off. Until i felt him grab my arm. I looked back at him.

" Why dont you come with me ", he said then he licked his bottom lip. I pulled away from him. " There's money to be made ", i said. He sucked his teeth. " Come on Kayla ill give you money if thats what you want. You know that aint a problem ", he said.

" You think ima fuck you and youll just kick me to the curb ", i questioned him.

" Nah girl you know i still love you ", Rondall said. I rolled my eyes.

" And i know you still love me too ", he continued. I laughed sarcastically. " I think the fuck not ", i responded with my arms crossed.


" I LOVE YOU RONNIE ", i moaned out loud.

He was all in my guts making me go crazy. Ill curse myself out for this later but right now ima enjoy this. He flipped me over and started giving me backshots.

" You better not give this pussy to nobody else. This mine ", he groaned out. I threw my head back in pleasure. Little does he know i got a whole nigga. 

" Yes daddy ", i moaned out loud. He started picking up his pace. " Shit ", he groaned lowly. I ended up coming. He pulled out and released in the condom. We both we're trying to catch our breaths.
" Damn girl i forgot how good the sex was ", Rondall said with a small chuckle. I stood up and fixed myself. " whatever Ronnie this can't happen again ", i told him.

" Why you say that ", he asked me. " Because i have a man and i already fucked up by having sex with you ", i responded. He sucked his teeth.

" You're mine anyway so fuck him ", Ronnie said. I looked at him weirdly. " Who said that ", i questioned him. He walked up to me. " Kayla i want you to be mine again. I haven't been the same without you. I still love you and i know you love me ", he said.

I was about to say something until mocha, another stripper came in. I rolled my eyes. " Welp ima go, bye Ron ", i said. " Hold up wait ", he said. He picked up two bags and handed it to me. " You can go home ", he said. I walked pass Mocha. She rolled her eyes at me. Oh yeah, she's somewhat with Rondall. Thats the girl he cheated on me with. Me and mocha will always have problems.

I went to the dressing room and put my clothes on. Then i went out to my car with the bags and my purse. I put everything in the car and got in driving off.

Once i got home i grabbed everything and locked my car doors. I walked up to the house and went in. As soon as i got upstairs i took a nice hot shower. After that i threw on some clothes that includes a tank top and some pajamas shorts.

I grabbed both bags and sat them on the bed. I opened one of them to see money in it. My jaw dropped to the floor. I opened the other bag and saw to see clothes and jewelry inside with a note attached.

This for you Kayla. Know that i still love you and i hope you'll give me another chance. Because you mean everything to me.

Love Killa

I sat the note down and continue to look through the bag. I can't believe he did this just for me. To keep it a stack i still love Ron But he needs to understand that im with Kelz now.

I dont know what im finna do. He has my mind all fucked up.


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